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The WORST Fitness YouTuber Ever (HARSH!)

If you follow fitness online, specifically on YouTube, you might want to know who the worst fitness YouTuber is. After all, you want to know if you should be avoiding somebody’s advice, right? In this video, I am going to explain to you the problem with the use of the term “suboptimal” and what I think needs to replace it in order to benefit the fitness community.

It seems everywhere you look when it comes to online fitness, you have somebody throwing out the term “suboptimal”. Whether it’s a video reviewing somebody else or even just a comment left on a post; we have countless instances where someone claims that something is suboptimal. To me, this sounds like the new version of “CNS burnout,” a common buzzphrase that was seemingly used by everyone as an excuse for something not going well in their training.

Not only do I think that this is the new buzzword when it comes to fitness, I also like to consider it the new “mommy pay attention to me” format for fitness social media. I find that people posting fitness content online are so devoid of content, that they have to resort to criticizing others and trying to call something they are doing suboptimal in order to gain the attention of the audience.

As a fitness professional, I have never made a habit of criticizing other trainers or even influencers. I understand and appreciate, instead, the thing that should be the next buzzword in fitness: context. I find that context is one of the most important things to understand when it comes to reviewing somebody else’s training or training program.

Too quickly, someone will rush to call something suboptimal based on their own lack of knowledge. Knowledge around the context of what someone is doing is extremely important because it can help you to understand exactly why somebody might be doing something. I have a problem when someone ignores context and makes a statement based on their blanket expectations. It’s important to understand that not everyone shares the same goals, limitations / accessibilities, or needs.

Somebody who is new to fitness, has limited access to equipment, and history of injuries is going to be training very differently than the 4x Mr. Olympia, Chris Bumstead. This is an example of context. Another example would be a barbell row vs. a chest supported row. Before saying that the chest supported row is suboptimal training, you might be pressed to know that the person performing it might have a low back problem that doesn’t let them bent-over row.

What about combination exercises? Those can’t be optimal when the limitations of one hinders another. Well, what if you were doing that combination for a specific purpose like creating a conditioning effect? Or what about a dumbbell front raise vs. a pate trap raise? Someone might call one of these exercises suboptimal and they look similar, but they serve different purposes. One is for the shoulders and one is for the lower traps, so how can one be better than the other?

I can even even relate this back to my time with the New York Mets. When a player would go down with an injury, the training staff would get numerous letters with speculation of how and why that player got hurt. In every instance, they had no idea the actual context around the injury and were often writing in based on a report that came out in the newspaper. A report that often didn’t include the actual nature of the injury, such as an adductor strain being called a hamstring strain.

Another instance of this occurring is when Lebron James released a video of himself squatting. People online were so quick to judge and comment on his depth, or lack thereof, and call what he was doing suboptimal. These people had no context as to why he was squatting like that. How did they know that Lebron’s trainer didn’t program for a specific reason? There’s research pointing to the effectiveness of quarter squats when it comes to basketball players and their on-court abilities such as jumping and explosiveness.

So, before you go around calling somebody’s training “sub-optimal”, you need to understand the context regarding what they are doing. Just because it’s not something you do or it doesn’t fit your specific goals, does not mean that isn’t optimal for somebody else.

For a step-by-step workout program that takes all of this into account and takes out all the guesswork for you, head on over to the athlean-x website via the link below and use the program selector to find the one that best matches your goals.

For more videos on effective exercises and workouts, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on YouTube using the link below and don’t forget to turn on your notifications so you never miss a video when it’s published.

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#WORST #Fitness #YouTuber #HARSH


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  2. I’ve actually seen this in person. I had a guy at the gym tell me I was doing an exercise wrong and proceed to show me a completely different exercise as the “correct way”.

  3. Years ago, I found Jeff on YouTube and he has been my go to guy ever since. Mainly because as I get older, I can now feel how doing certain exercises have hurt my body over the course of 20+ years of weight lifting and things clicked when he explained the WHY. You can get away with poor lifting maybe through your early twenties, but by the time you get into your 30's and definitely by age 40, I promise you will wish you had listened to Jeff since day one. Weight lifting has life long benefits IF DONE CORRECTLY. If done INCORRECTLY, weightlifting can easily be one of the biggest MISTAKES you may have ever made. If you need some context just research one of the greatest bodybuilders of our time (Ronnie Coleman).

    This video is just another affirmation on why Jeff's a BAMF when it comes to INTELLEGENT bodybuilding. I wish I had access to him when I first started lifting. Keep up the good work Jeff!!!

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  5. People influenced by "influencers" are in for a rough ride. People who seek the truth when it comes to fitness will find channels like this one. -Confucius 2023

  6. Fitness youtube has turned to the way the old gaming youtube was. Just idiots chasing clout and starting drama. So sad. People just wanna work out and there's low IQ idiots seeing it as an easy cash grab. 99.999999% of the audience isnt gonna try to hit world record PRs or compete in a body building competition. We're all trying to be healthier tho.

  7. I’m glad you have such a big platform. Other people who say this would just be told they’re wrong or wouldn’t reach enough people to matter.

  8. That's why I only watch your channel Jeff, there's a lot of B.S out there I 've seen loads of videos from different people who claim to be fitness gurus, but the information on exercises which can benefit your overall physique not to mention your athleticism which you share with us here, is priceless. Been following since the basement days !!

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