Athlean-X GymExercisesShoulderWorkouts

Stop Doing Rack Pulls Like This! (SAVE A FRIEND)

If you’re thinking about adding rack pulls into your workout, be sure to check out this video before you do. If you’ve looked up the exercise online you’ve probably found video after of video of guys performing rack pulls. Generally you’ll see it done one of two ways, from a position slightly below the knee as an auxiliary lift to support the deadlift, or from a much higher position above the knee typically done to overload the traps and glutes.

The latter version has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, mostly for its ability to allow the athlete to load up the weight…a lot.

When you’re using some of the largest, strongest muscles in the body for a such a short range of motion the weight can get really heavy, really fast. It’s not uncommon to see people doing rack pulls with upwards of two or three times their best deadlift. For someone with a meager deadlift that can still amount to 700-800 pounds. That’s significantly more weight than on any other exercise they’re likely performing, and therein lies the problem.

For athletes who are eager to keep loading weight on the bar, it’s easy to fall into the trap of performing the exercise with rounded shoulders. When the weight gets that heavy it becomes difficult to keep the shoulder blades retracted and tight. What they don’t realize is that this compressed thoracic posture under tremendous load can set you up for thoracic outlet syndrome. While thoracic outlet syndrome is commonly seen in people with repetitive overhead motion, it can still occur by improperly performing an exercise such as the rack pull.

Scapular retraction is often the weak link in this type of move, in order to accommodate the extra loads, the lifter will likely let their shoulders drop forward and hang down. This can cause the collar bone to rotate downward and put pressure on the delicate veins, arteries and nerves that are in the thoracic area.

The result is pinching, stretching and unwanted downward traction on the Subclavian artery, Subclavian vein and Brachial Plexus an already long nerve which runs from the neck to the hands. Sufferers of thoracic outlet syndrome experience a number symptoms including muscle wasting in the fleshy base of your thumb, numbness or tingling in the arm or fingers, pain or ache in your neck, shoulder or hands as well as an overall weakening grip.

The worst part is that these symptoms don’t occur instantly allowing the athlete to pin point the exact cause, but rather gradually, over time. Athletes often experience shoulder pain and attribute it to too much pressing in their workouts, not realizing the true cause.

If you’re looking to build your traps, grip and posterior chain you’d be better off performing a traditional deadlift where the sticking points of the exercise will likely limit the weight to something that your body can handle. Faults in a deadlift are easy to spot and can be quickly corrected. If you want to supplement your deadlift with an exercise that allows you to overload more you could perform the rack pull below the knee.

The greater range of motion prohibits you from making such huge weight jumps which will likely allow you to keep your shoulders back and stay in good upright position. Whichever you choose, be sure to engage the shoulder girdle, remain tight and hold strong posture.

If you want more videos to help you to put the science back in strength, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube and turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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#Stop #Rack #Pulls #SAVE #FRIEND


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  2. Great video, how can this be fixed once its already happened? My coach put me on this excercise after deadlifts and as i got stronger I got paid everywhere. Now it feels like front belt, neck, scapula and so on. I havnt been able to push myself in shoulder press, chest press or heavy bicep curls in about 4 months now. Desperate for answers honestly. Thanks!

  3. Just the video I needed. First time going to try a deadlift variation since my massive back injuries at work several years ago. Going to only do rack pulls now.

  4. Yeshua Hamashiach is God in the flesh, the Son of God, the Word of God, and he died so that you may be presented blameless in the sight of the Father. And so you may inherit his kingdom. The LORD Yeshua Hamashiach is the only way to the Father and his kingdom. Repent of your sins accept him into your life as your LORD and Savior before it's too late, every day is not guaranteed.

    John 14:6
    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.

    May God bless you all.

  5. Why is the arbitrary height of the center of a 45 lb plate significant? He talks about handling weight you can't actually handle". How much could he deadlift if he were standing on a box and deadlifting from his toes? So when he deadlifts 45s from floor, he is lifting weights he "can't actually handle".

  6. I love MPMD, and Coach Greg, and I agree with them on their videos they’ve done of Jeff. But, Jeff has only had like 2 or 3 stupid videos 😂 the rest of his stuff is gold! He was the very first fitness YouTuber I ever subbed to. What other fitness YouTuber shows you the Skelton so you can really understand what’s going on. Thanks Jeff. Amazing content, as always.

  7. This is probably what happened to me the other day. I was going way too heavy on rack pulls and let my shoulders protract. When I woke up the next day, I had an ache under my left scapula (I would describe it as a muscle knot), and whenever I protracted my shoulder blades, I would get pain radiating all the way up through my left shoulder and down my left bicep. It was really uncomfortable. Luckily, it seems to be getting better day by day, but I'll be sure to take your advice and (a) lower the weight (b) focus on form and (c) do the exercise from below the knee the next time I do rack pulls.

  8. The problem with these videos is that they are 8-13 mins long for no reason,he could show you how to fix the mistakes in a faster manner in under 6 mins,I am not gonna sit around the gym watching a 10 mins video to do one exercise

  9. Jeff, what you have explain is true, but why would I rack pull in that shitty way? Letting the clavicles fall so much implies having 0 trap management. You really wanna do that? I don't think so. We rack pull for the traps! So it's not that rack pulls above the knees suck, it's that they have to be performed correctly like every other exercise.

  10. Very helpful. I felt like he was talking directly to me as far as loading up the weight because I can handle it and not necessarily doing the right technique. I’m a taller guy and have a harder time deadlifting.

  11. I've pulled by back twice in three months doing rack pulls wrong. Doing them way too much like a stiff leg. Lower back muscle goes "splink!" and there goes the rest of the day/week.

  12. My rack pulls doesn’t feel like a trap workout, but my middle and lower along with my erectors, and lats are 🔥.

    I don’t know what kind of “hip hinge” he’s doing.
    I do rack pulls because it takes your legs, or the better part of your legs out of the lift. Making it all back. I have a leg day, I want back day to be back day.
    Really a great variation.
    3 sets of:
    475/3 reps
    405/8 reps
    405/8 reps

  13. I have scoliosis and injured myself so I can't lift from the floor anymore. I really enjoy rack pulls because they don't engage my lower back so much and aren't painful.

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