Athlean-X GymExercisesWorkouts

Do This BEFORE Every Workout! (Guaranteed Gains)

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If you do this before every workout you do, I guarantee you will get better gains in no time. I’m not talking about a secret exercise or workout that will pile on slabs of muscle simply by performing 3 sets of 12 reps. No, it’s actually much simpler than that. That said, it’s not going to be easy. In this video, I’m going to make you aware of your own efforts in the gym and hopefully reveal to you how much more you have to give.

Do I think you are purposely holding back? Not really. I think that many of us simply get comfortable in our workouts. We start to call them workout routines. Nothing should be routine about your training other than the fact that you routinely show up to perform them. When it comes to your intensity levels however when doing your workouts I would bet that you are likely falling a little short in that department.

I showcase resident athlean-x trainees Jesse and all pro steelers wide receive Antonio Brown here to point out the difference in training intensity and effort. You can see in a simple landmine plyo just how much effort Jesse was holding back in comparison to Antonio. It’s not that Jesse is lazy or any less committed to wanting to look better. The difference is in the actual work that gets put in when it’s go time and action has to trump desire.

Antonio Brown’s workout is full of high effort intensity from the first set to the last. Just like on the field, he takes no plays off. He practices like he plays. He trains like every set matters, which it does if you have been watching this channel for any length of time. I say all the time, you can either train hard or you can train long but you can’t do both.

Once Jesse became aware that his workout intensity wasn’t what it should be, he was instantly able to put in more effort and get much more from the exercise he was doing. And that’s the thing, there is no secret exercise that is meant to force effort. Even a one thousand pound squat performed with crappy quarter rep range of motion is not going to demand a response from your muscles to dramatically improve your body and appearance.

You have to use full range of motion and use focused effort and intensity that allows you to get the most out of every single rep you do in your workout. This doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to train to failure on every set. If you are training for power for example you wouldn’t want to take your sets to failure. This could create compromised safety since your muscle fatigue could not only impair your explosiveness but also your ability to land safely as in the exercise shown.

Regardless, the key is that you become self aware of your own efforts before every workout that you do. Once you know that you can likely fall into the trap of taking sets and reps off then you will be more likely to intervene and not do this. Your own conscious awareness of your body’s desire to seek shortcuts should be enough to keep you focused on preventing this path from being taken. From here, it’s all about accumulating more and more of these high quality sets over time.

The more quality and intensity you can deliver in your training over the course of workout to workout then the faster you will see muscle and strength gains from your efforts. If you are looking for a program that lays out the exact exercises and sets for you to do every single day, head to and get the athlean-x Training System.

For more videos on how to increase your strength and muscle mass and the best workouts for building muscle fast, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

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#Workout #Guaranteed #Gains


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  1. I felt someone was preaching to me, and I actually enjoyed it 😄 I’m a preacher for a living so I’m okay with that 👊 But what hit me the most was that exercise!!! I’m home back from the hospital, had femoral hernia repair surgery today 😱 I don’t think I’ll be doing that one for a few months, but it looks so awesome 😎 I want to try so bad 😬😬😬 love this channel and all of the outstanding info here. Thank you!

  2. Yea man your absolutely correct. Isn't that funny how that works. That's why training with a buddy or a trainer helps so much. You are always being pushed because we don't always self realize that we are slacking. In our own mind we are giving 100 percent but actually are we?

  3. That's a lot of effort, Jeff, to talk about "effort". But pun aside, I really find your efforts to educate, so enlightening. Thank you. God bless you, Jeff.

  4. This video alone shows why this guy has over 12M subs. I’ve seen no other fitness YouTube gurus talk about the depth of things like he does.

  5. I am thoroughly convinced that nobody is even trying their best, because nobody even knows what that means or would look like, in any endeavor. We all make a good effort, but knowing we will never be at our best means we have no known limits. It's a white pill. We can always do better. The next opportunity always lurks right beyond the standards we just set for ourselves.

  6. Of all your videos, that I’ve watched, this was the most motivating. Because, I hung my head, knowing that, some days I go into the gym and make excuses, in my head, that I’m tired from work, and half ass my workout.

  7. Jeff sees us when we're sleeping, he knows when we're awake. He knows if we've been training like an athlete in the gym, so train like an athlete for heaven's sake. 🎄🏅

  8. For max-load this is true. Though studies are showing that hypertrophy isn't triggered by max-load but by the progressive increase from 70% of your max for those amount of reps.

    "Hypertrophy Specific Training" is based on these studies. There's a website that links to them and a forum as well. Changed my life. Training for pure strength is a little bit different.

  9. Shortcut for people who want to know what the thing is that Jeff says to do before every workout:

    Answer: "Watch this video before every workout"

    Hope that helps.

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