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BRUTAL PULL WORKOUT | Torn Biceps and All!

If you want a brutal pull workout that will train your lats, biceps and upper back all in one training session, then you’re going to want to watch this video. I perform this workout as a full length pull workout follow along with Jesse in a local gym, and I don’t let my torn biceps hold me back. This is something that the viewers have asked for for a long time, and now here it is. Many people think of back and biceps when performing a pull workout. That is predominantly correct but you do not want to forget about the other muscles of the arm and upper back that also need attention.

We start this pull workout with pullups, but not any kind of pullups. You see, I believe that one of the bigger mistakes I made as a younger trainee was concentrating on building up the number of reps I could do on pull-ups without focusing early enough on adding more weight. After a couple warmup sets of bodyweight pullups I go right with the weighted pullup variation. Here, we do a few sets training close to failure on every set.

We also take the opportunity to do drop sets as well. Perform a set of weighted pullups and immediately strip away the weight and then hop right back up on the bar and rep out the bodyweight version until failure once again.

Next up is the chest supported row. The particular machine I’m using here is called the humbler. Why? Because the amount of weight that you can use on it is less than what you may think you could use. It does such a good job of isolating the back muscles and taking the lower back out of it that you are forced to use more of the muscles you are trying to train. Once again, we use a few different intensity techniques to make this brutal pull workout even harder.

On my last set, Jesse is assisting with lifting the weight through the positive part of the rep and allowing me to focus mostly on the slow eccentric part of the rep. This has a great stimulus for muscle growth due to the prolonged time under tension and the muscle damage that can be incurred through slow eccentrics.

Next is the lat pulldown. Typically, I prefer the underhand variation of the move when it’s included in a pull workout. That said, with my torn right biceps I have to be a little conscientious of this and make the necessary adaptation. This involves using a bar that allows me to take a slightly more neutral grip. The decrease in supination can take some of the strain off the biceps and let me focus more on pulling with the lats and mid back.

Again here, we take the opportunity to intensify the sets in this pull workout by performing some slow negatives at the end of the sets performed on this exercise.

I’ll purposely increase the weight on the stack and perform a bit of a cheat on the concentric part of the lift just to put myself into position for another overloaded negative.

We move onto the biceps and brachialis at this point. One of my favorite ways to train the biceps is with a standing alternating dumbbell curl. That said, again I have to make some considerations for my torn biceps. Instead of grabbing equal weight and letting the weakness of the right arm dictate the load that my healthy arm has to lift, I simply grab two different weights.

In general, I have about a 10% decrease in strength in the right arm vs the left arm on my direct biceps exercises.

The brachialis is then targeted with a hammer curl variation. Instead of doing a typical neutral grip hammer curl I can increase the focus by taking a fully pronated position of the forearm. This is called a cross body hammer curl. Once again, I look for an opportunity to perform some drop sets towards the end of the working sets for this great pull exercise.

Finally, no pull workout is complete without my favorite exercise, and the one with pull in it’s name – face pulls! Here you want to see if you can grab two ropes to perform it. The additional rope allows you to get into a better arm position at the contracted position of every rep.

Finish up with some overhead raises on the face pulls to make sure that you are increasing the time under tension and treating each and every rep as a focused contraction.

Here is a recap of the exercises shown in this pull workout:

Weighted Pullups
chest Supported Rows
Neutral Gip Lat Pulldowns
Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curls
Cross Body Hammer Curls

If you like this pull workout and are looking for a variation of this that you can try yourself, be sure to head to and check out our AX1 program. It has a push, pull legs training split that you can use to build ripped athletic muscle in just 90 days.

If you want a free pull workout that you can try, be sure to use the athlean x pull workout here on youtube and remember to subscribe and turn on your notifications via the link below so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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#BRUTAL #PULL #WORKOUT #Torn #biceps


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  1. “FAST ACTION” Q&A* – Leave your most burning question about this video or any other training, PT or nutrition question within the first 2 hours of this video’s release (AS A SEPARATE COMMENT!!) and I will pick 8 to get a detailed reply from me right here in the comments. Answers will be posted within the first 24-48 hours of you leaving the question. Good luck!

  2. Jeff, I have a complete 8:29 distal bicep tear. I’m 51 and currently in the best shape of my life. I workout with the typical bodybuilding workout and I can barely tell a difference anymore but that gap you mentioned is definitely there. It’s amazing to me how many people believe it’ll grow back when it won’t. Still, I’ve managed to get enough work on the brachialis to make it less noticeable and to compensate for the wrist twist motion I was noticing weakness. Can you educate us on how to work around that injury or give tips so I can utilize a few more moves that’ll help me make it even less noticeable?

  3. 29 and I doing drop sets only. Its been scary how fast strength has increased while hypertrophy is slowly kicking in. Some tweaks and I will get more out of both. In 3 months its been a obvious increase in strength and muscular growth.

  4. Brilliant to see you both enjoying a nice session at the gym. And you're right, sometimes it's great to workout with someone tidy, so that you can encourage each other a little when you might not feel like it. Oh yeah, what the heck are they showing on that screen at about 6:11? Looks like a bloody junk food cooking show. Not something to show in a gym. It'd be much better to show something positive, like various workout spots around the World, such as Venice Beach 👍😉

  5. Ditto, awesome to see the full session. Jeff I known you know what you're doing, but please be careful with that bicep. Heal up and live to lift again!

  6. Have been watching these 2 for years and was always wondering why Jessy keeps the crazy beard for that long to cover his handsome face. Then I rewind to the first day and realise that he keeping because it’s the process as he’s been trained from day 1 to now with Jeff. Hope my guess is right and it’s amazing result of years Jessy! Proud of you

  7. great information, as usual…but sorry to see the distal rupture of the biceps… could have been re attached early on, but not at this point 🙁 (yeah, I'm an ortho doc)

  8. I also have a torn right bicep. A distal biceps tear to be specific. I train the same way you do and have no issues outside of some decreased strength in the torn arm. What kind of tear do you have and are you going to get surgery? I tore mine 5 years ago and assume it is too late to do surgery. Filling out my shirts evenly is the worst part as one sleeve that fits one arm doesnt fit the other and it feels and looks weird. Do you experience the same minor issues and do you plan on surgery?

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