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5 Reasons to Take Supplements (AND WHEN YOU NEVER SHOULD!)

Highest quality supplements. Used by today’s top professional athletes.

One of the most common questions asked is whether someone needs to take supplements in order to build muscle and see results. It is a good question and one that has two completely different answers depending on the person asking it. In this video, I explain to you 5 reasons you need to take supplements and when you never should take them. If you can’t deal with brutal honesty however, I would advise you not to watch, as some feelings may be hurt.

To determine whether or not you are a candidate for supplementation you have to start with your experience level and current condition. If you are just starting out and are relegated to lifting 5 pound dumbbells for most of your exercises, you are likely not ready for supplements. You can gain far more benefits focusing on building up your strength and foundation while learning proper form and the best way to train than with stuffing your face with supplements.

The same can be said if you have allowed your diet and nutrition to put you grossly overweight. Supplements are not your savior. You first must figure out how to rededicate yourself to your nutrition so that you can lose enough weight to make supplements a viable part of the discussion once again to take you and your results to the next level.

Next you have to ask yourself if you are motivated enough to take supplements. Some people view supplementation as a way to be lax with the rest of their fitness and nutrition plan. They figure that as long as they are taking the supplements that they don’t have to worry much about everything else. Couldn’t be further from the truth. On the other hand, sometimes the act of supplementing makes you much more accountable for the rest of your actions. In this case, it can be a great advantage to helping you stay on track.

If stress is a big part of your life, be it from your work or family, supplements can become even more necessary to help keep you on track and combat that. We all know that proper nutrition and fueling can go a long way towards helping your body fight fatigue and breakdown. If stress is heavy in your life then you would particularly want to look into supplements to help keep you healthy and consistent with your nutrition in the face of schedule disruption.

Finally, ask yourself if you think that you can get all the benefits of supplements from food alone. If you think so, I can tell you in most cases you are wrong. For instance, there is simply no practical way to get as much creatine as you would need to experience its benefits from food alone. I said practical. Sure, you may be able to do it in theory, but when you consider the roadblocks that I present to you in the video you quickly realize this won’t work.

For a complete supplement and nutrition line that is tested and trusted by today’s top professional athletes, be sure to head to and get your Rx Supplement bundle. Feel what a difference supplementation can make and see first hand how it can take your results to the next level.

For more videos on bodybuilding supplements and if you need to take supplements to build muscle be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

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#Reasons #Supplements


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  1. You have some good information but you’re all over the road. First of all your microphone needs to be closer and somehow dampen or deaden the echo in your office. Blankets would help.

  2. Congratulations!!! Maybe you'll extra ash wanga before bed might help and gaba** LOL which I'm not taking which I probably should because I have extra stress as WELL!! For a good multivitamin do you like anything that exceeds Animal Pack's for weight training and recovery and overall health? I like it cuz it has the BCAAs in it and most of all it has a good digestive enzyme. Been following you for a while!!! You do a super job!!! What you're doing is not easy giving tips for the masses!!! Again great video good subject material

  3. I'm 58 yrs. old and I've been taking Creatine for years. I also eat well and due to my age, I'm in TRT. T he Testosterone is prescribed by my Dr. So yes, hard ass work is # 1. However, there's nothing wrong with Creatine or any other supplements. Jeff, you are correct.

  4. I have a doubt: I not an extreme beginner but I am also not a regular gym goer. I can correctly lift good amount of weight but do not do it regularly. Now after a gap of one year I want to restart my fitness journey. Should I start supplements right away?

  5. What about Potassium? I track my macros and one that is always way off even with a balanced diet is potassium, I have tried upping foods containing potassium but still dont hit my required 3,500mg intake per day so I now take potassium supplements to get as close as possible.

  6. Big fan, an love the info. One quick question. I have the same body composition as you, after watching this video, I was wondering what supplements do you take an Y/reasoning for. Me 44n under 10% BDF an trying to put on more mucle/growth now. Looking to increase growth on all formats? While remaining natural

  7. These arguments are so all over the place it hurts my brain.
    If you benefit from supplements, take them. It does not matter what your lifestyle is. There are probably many things you could do to minimize the need for supplements, just like Jeff could find ways to minimize his stress instead of using supplements. However, it is not always easy practical or whatever.
    The right question this video should have addressed is, when will supplements benefit you, when will they do nothing, and when will they harm you.

  8. He mentioned that they sell creatine but I couldn’t hear exactly what he called their brand and I couldn’t find it on their supplement website can anyone tell me where I can find it

  9. One of my friends told me to try herbal medicine to get rid of my Herpes. I tried this herbal remedy and I got great results by #drehimen So I am recommending this product to all you guys..

  10. Bottom line, whether its a supplement, or PEDs or fad diet, IF you do NOT consistently do the WORK, the other stuff will not help you. They may actually hurt you. Eat right (no junk) and work out every day. Until you can DO this dont use supplements, except nutritional if you need it

  11. Animal protein can be a silent killer. Taking supplements is an important for health but as I found out later in life it can be too much for your body to handle. Due to genetics my body can't process cholesterol and mine went through the roof. I had no idea until I went to a doctor and told them of all the complaints I was feeling in my body. Cholesterol from animal products was the main problem. I took immediate steps to get my health back and I am back on the road to recovery. Since then I have started taking, in moderation, plant based protein supplements. Be aware of your health, and don't just blindly take supplements because your muscle building heroes do. Take regular blood tests and always consult your doctor .

  12. I buy Ahi tuna in a bag at 30 bux for 8 portions and I will be damned if I eat more than a few times a week. Lol great vid. Tuned in for creatine info but still undecided as a beginner/intermediate.

  13. I thought if ur like 19 u should still take joint formula even though u don’t feel pain so when ur older u don’t have all the problems

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