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The 8 Best Supersets (YOU’RE NOT DOING!!)

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Supersets are a workout technique that allow you to train multiple muscle groups (or the same muscle group) with more than one exercise without resting in between sets. This allows you to either speed up the pace of your workout, intensify the effects of your training, or both. In this video, I’m going to show you the 8 best supersets that you are not doing and tell you the specific exercises that will give you the best results if you start using them.

Again, to be clear, a superset is not a drop set technically. A drop set will use the same exercise but progressively lighter weight with each successive consecutive set. What you want to do is make sure that you are picking two different exercises and pairing them together without resting at all between them. The most common way to perform supersets is with opposing muscle groups, such as the biceps and triceps.

My favorite opposing muscle group superset is one that you perform for your arms and it consists of the db incline tricep extension supersetted with bicep spider curls. This gives you the advantage of getting the stretch on the long head of the triceps and then immediately perform a bicep exercise that puts the peak tension in the contracted position of the biceps. This is something that we don’t often do in our workouts let alone the same set combination.

Next, you can incorporate muscle groups that tend to like to work together such as the lats and upper back muscles. Here, I like the combo of the straight arm pushdown with the cable face pulls. The lats not only benefit from the straight arm pushdowns but this helps you to perfect your form on the deadlift which is an exercise that requires strength in this position. The face pull is an incredible builder of the upper back muscles and overlooked rear delts.

The UCV raise and Cavaliere Crossover combination is an example of a superset that targets the same muscle group. This one is better than the old classic bench press into pushups combo since neither of those exercises allows you to train the chest into adduction like both of the exercises in this superset allow you to.

Beyond the pairing of muscles based on function, you can create supersets that rely on purpose. For example, if you want to pre-exhaust a certain muscle group so that you can use lighter than normal weights on an exercise that you normally exclusively train heavy you can do that if you pair them together as part of a superset. The shoulder “L” raise into db presses is a perfect way to do this. Grab a pair of 25 pound dumbbells and rep out to failure on this front delt and middle delt combo and immediately finish out your set by pressing those same “light” dumbbells overhead.

Finally, you have options for open chain into closed chain exercises, loading and de-loading exercises and even strength or power potentiation combos. All of these are incredibly effective, especially if performed at the right time and for the right purpose in your training cycle. All of the ones shown here are part of my 8 favorite and should be something you try in your workouts.

If you are looking for a training plan that shows you exactly when to perform these and all your exercises for the best results, head to and pick the program best suited to your current goals. Use the program selector tool if you are unsure what program is the best for getting you training like an athlete.

For more videos on how to build muscle with supersets and the best way to lift heavy weights and light weights for more mass, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

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#Supersets #YOURE


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  1. hey Jeff. I like doing super set exercises to make the most of the workout time that I have. Noticed this was five years or so back and wondering if you have any updates or modification you might make to this video since you posted it.

  2. Stellar advice as always Jeff!!! Thanks for all you inspiration. Every video you feature I apply and have made massive gains !!! Headed to your website (finally!) to check it out!

  3. Em cũng ứng dụng bài tập của anh vào bài liên hoàn của em,em tập nhẹ hơn anh nhưng cũng khá hiệu quả

  4. One of my favorites is doing the squats and then decompressing from the (door-frame) pull-up bar. turns out I've been doing that one for quite some time now. I'm going to try implementing the other ones in my bedroom routine.

  5. I did my assignments on PAP. It's an odd one. The research suggests that you must wait 10 mins after the explosive exercises to get the benefits. Even then! there were 100 papers saying it was statistically significant and a 100 papers saying it was not statistically significant. I find as you get to masters level in education, the principals and facts become very wishy washy. with facts becoming more theory's.

  6. Bonsoir mon ami boncouage de votre sport felistation..💪… Contunie de arsisse 💪…. Bon santee… 💪Merci mon capitaine…. 💪💪💪🌺🏵🏵

  7. that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

    Romans 10:9 God bless you 😇 🙏

  8. I read that for strength training you should do 5 reps with 3 minutes rest. Can you do another exercise during the 3 minute rest? Like "A 1min rest B 1min rest A 1min rest" etc

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