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Pull Up Test for Anyone (2 MINUTES!!)

Start doing more pullups than ever before here…

Pull ups are one of the most important upper body exercises you can do, but how many reps can you do? In this video, I’m going to show you the correct way to do a pullup and give you some basic guidelines as to how many pull ups you should be able to do in two minutes.

The key to this pull up challenge is that you can rest along the way. You need to have a strategy for how many reps you think you can do at any one time before you reach failure. If you tap too much into your energy reserves you are going to have a hard time regrouping in time to knock out enough subsequent reps.

Regardless of how many pullups you can complete here, the important thing is to do them correctly. We do not condone kipping pullups in athlean-x. Instead, you want to be able to master the dead hang pullup exercise. You start from a position where your body is extended beneath the bar with your arms straight. Contract your lats and pull your body up to the bar until your chin is at or above the level of the bar.

Lower down slowly and pull yourself back up to the bar as you complete each rep. My personal record for two minutes is just about 50 reps. When done in a pre-fatigued state (such as after a back workout) I do substantially fewer (in the 33-35 rep range). If you rely too much on your forearms to pull you up to the bar you are going to likely fatigue these smaller muscles before your big muscles have a chance to do their job.

Challenges like this two minute pullup challenge are important in that they push you further than you might think you are capable. They also give you a number to shoot for. If you have an objective measure of what your peers are capable of doing, it gives you a chance to compare and establish a goal.

Doing pullups is critical to building upper body strength. The scapular stability and shoulder girdle strength is important to getting stronger at every other upper body pulling exercise you do. With your increased ability to do more reps at pullups will come more upper body size and muscle gain. You will never find a person that looks good that cannot do pullups.

For a program that helps you to build muscle while getting better at pullups, be sure to head to and get the athlean-x Training System. Train like an athlete and build a ripped athletic back while getting abs and bigger legs, arms and chest in the next 90 days.

For more videos on how to increase your pullups, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

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#Pull #Test #MINUTES


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  1. Your video is well done concise, professional and informative. I came across it after a heavy deadlift workout and was intrigued by the challenge. I did 32 strict reps and feel I could do a bit more by skipping the grip comprising deadlift warm-up. Thank you for the excellent video. By the way I am 170lbs and 72.

  2. You’re missing key point here. Someone who weighs 100kg who is able to do 20 pull ups may be better than someone weighing only 75 kg and did 40 pull ups. Your weight is plays essential role.

  3. I have a muscle deficiency in my pull ups, (brachioradialus, I think), so I'm doing pronated hammer curls & time under tension using resistance bands to isolate that issue…

    …that's thanks to another one of Jeff's videos.

    Man's a boss.

  4. My pull-up number went down from 2 years ago from 42 to 33. I did gain a solid 15 pounds since and haven't done nearly as many pullups as I should have

  5. 50 reps perfect strict form. Training pull ups since 2016, calisthenics / street workout. Just train, there's no magic. It takes some month to get from 20 to 30, but years to get from 30 to 40, and even more years from 40 to 45…

  6. I tried this and I ended up doing 70 pull ups. But that was after deadlifting 750 pounds for 8 reps. I will try again later after I'm refreshed and see if I can do 100. Wish me luck!!

  7. I have full two year training break and after that I pulled 30 on gymnastic rings at 200lbs body weight. So nothing to worry, let's check again after year more. 😛

  8. I honestly can't even do 1. I've just started trying for the 1st time in my life. Even push ups are a mission for me. I've started creatine. I will check back in a month

  9. Have a beginner question on pull-ups. I've started working out with bodyweight exercises two months ago. Before did no sport at all. Got a pull-up bar and as expected was unable to do a single rep. Got also a "M" resistance band supporting up to 123 lbs (57 kg) and with this I was able to do a set of 3, 2 + 2 half, 2 half in the beginning and now I'm on a set of 5, 4, 3. Now after two months without the resistance band I can pull up myself around 4-6 inches.

    I'm doing pull-ups in almost all my workouts and working out 3-4 times a week and my current body weight is 198 lbs (90 kg). Now my question — I know I must be patient as I never did any sport before and that it takes just time to progress. But my progress seems a little too less for me. I was expecting that after two months of working out and training pull-ups I could do just a single rep. What you think? Progress within the range? Any tipps on getting better? I really want to get this one rep achieved.

  10. Jeff, how can I work with you? I've seen almost all your videos since 2011. I'm currently studying physical education, with an orientation in sport training. I would love to learn and work with you man!

  11. Hi Jeff,

    Do you have any bodyweight alternatives to HSPU? My rotators keep getting fucked every time I do HSPU, so I've switched to OHP from chest, but it just doesn't feel the same – I love BW workouts too much.


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