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IT Band Syndrome and Knee Pain (HOW TO FIX IT!)

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Many lifters, runners and bikers will get pain on the outside of their knee or thigh and think that they have IT Band Syndrome because they’ve been told that they do. Unfortunately, the IT Band is just caught in the middle of some pretty significant problems in one of likely four other muscles. In this video, I show you how four muscles in the hip actually contribute to the pain and tension felt in the Iliotibial band and what you need to do to fix them. Here’s a hint, you do not want to foam roll out the IT Band unless you want more pain and discomfort.

The IT Band is a thick fibrous tendon that runs along the lateral aspect of the thigh and connects from the hip to the tibia on the outside of your knee. This tendon has the ability to withstand changes in tension to it by having up to 1000 pounds of resistive capacity. If you think that you are going to be able to foam roll out the tightness that may be present in this structure you are sadly mistaken.

That said, you can definitely influence the tension present in this band by addressing the muscles that insert into the IT Band. The gluteus maximus, lateral hamstrings and quads and tensor fascia lata are all muscles that feed into the iliotibial band. When any of these muscles are tight they pull on the band and cause it to be not just tight but also out of balance with the rest of the tension that is contributing or feeding into it. This can cause a pulling on the femur and make it hard to properly execute a squat or ride a bike without feeling pain in the outside of your thigh or knee.

Instead of foam rolling the IT Band, you want to compress and floss the offending muscles feeding the tension. Here I show you two of these mobility drills that you can do to decrease the tension in a hypertonic muscle such as the TFL or the lateral quads. You want to use a resilient structure like a lacrosse ball or the fat gripz that I’m using here, since they have a much lower profile than the foam roller. This allows you to keep your leg in contact with the ground and move it into hip flexion as if you were while doing a squat.

If you do not feel any discomfort at all in these movements when you place the muscle in contact with the grips, then you likely do not need any work on this muscle. This is one of the biggest places people waste time in the gym these days. They see every mobility drill in the books and want to add it to their routines, not realizing that the wrong mobility drills when performed can actually do more to put you out of balance than bring you into it!

Mobility work is only effective if you are mobilizing structures that need it in the first place. Same goes for training and workout programs. Doing what you think looks cool or because someone else told you it was, is not the prescription for an effective workout plan. Doing what needs to be done and only what needs to be done while ignoring the rest of the broscience out there is a great way to get results and get them faster. You can do that by getting the athlean-x Training system available at

For more hip mobility videos and ways to help stretch a tight IT Band, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

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IT band,Iliotibial band,IT band syndrome,iliotibial band syndrome,tight IT Band,IT band tightness,IT Band stretch,foam rolling,IT Band foam roll,Foam Roll IT Bands,mobility drill,hip mobility drill,knee pain when squatting,knee pain working out,knee pain when running,knee pain with biking,it band mobility drill,IT Band mobilization,mobility drill for IT band,mobility drill for tight IT band,athlean-x,athlean x,jeff cavaliere

#Band #Syndrome #Knee #Pain #FIX


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  1. My itb band was so bad that their would be times I could not stand for more than three seconds.
    My knee and or left hip would snap/ pop, if I was walking or If i would twist the wrong way.

  2. Have to try this. Had/Have pain in mostly my outer knee, but goes up my hip sometimes. physio thought it was a meniscus, after an MRI turned out not to be, said I had bone bruise, rested for 6 weeks, nothing changed. got a cortisone shot and have been decent since, but pain is coming back slowly. Only activities I do is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, lifting, and walking (ramping up to see what my knee can withstand). But the thing is my knee never hurts WHILE doing these activities, it's mostly just sore the next day. would be interesting to try this out and see.

  3. I'm having a pain in my left knee on that left side where you was pointing but it's like a dull dead feeling and then all of a sudden it might twang a bit and my leg just won't take my weight and gives way, new to running and never had this before. Is this an IT band problem? I can describe even more detail if someone can help lol becuase 2023 is beast season and I don't want to give up running:(

  4. Hi Jeff, I believe I am suffering from IT band syndrome based on your descriptions but my pain starts from upper right hip all the way down to my knee and even normal walking and climbing stairs cause severe burning sensation through my hip, thigh and knee. could an IT band syndrome causes such shocking nerve pain throughout my right leg by normal walking and climbing stairs? Thx.

  5. The absolute solution !!! Thank you !! After 250k miles cycling , I finally developed that electrifying IT pain and nothing worked until I watched this video !!! One singly session of this took it away and I do it before every ride if possible . Thank you again for your exceptional expertise in general as well !

  6. Do you have a video for pain when doing squats, bike or running like right above the knee?

    And what do you recommend for getting your feet to stay flat when squatting?


  7. Oh my lord! Those stretching exercises at the end! Agony but literal pain relief for my knees. I hadn’t realised female patellafemoral syndrome is different to men but the bio mechanical fix is the same. Thank you

  8. Finally! I've been searching for a solution to this for months! (any idea how many YouTube videos there are that address hip and knee pain?). I spent 5 minutes with a golf ball in the spot, and yes it was painful, but the pain is gone now! Thank you so much for sharing this!

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