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Intense Ab Workout | 7 Minutes (FOLLOW ALONG!)

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If you want to develop six pack abs you may think that you have to spend hours a day trying to get one. That is not the case at all. If you are able to commit to a consistent but short effort you will be amazed at how much better your abs could look in a short period of time when combined with a focused attention to what you eat as well.

In this video, I have a short 7 minute ab workout for you to do along with me. As you will see and feel, an ab workout does not have to be long to be effective. As a matter of fact, I would probably say that the longer the ab workout goes, the less effective it becomes. The key to this working is that it is short enough to allow you to do it on a regular basis without having to fight to schedule it into your day.

Remember, the key to getting a six pack is consistency. Now, don’t think that just because you might be doing the same set of exercises that it is becoming less effective. It is not. The choice of ab exercises in this workout is broad enough so as to cover all of the major functions of the abs. There are bottom up movements that better hit the lower abs. There are rotational movements that are initiated from the bottom up and the top down to really hit the rotation capabilities of the core muscles.

There are also top down movements where the shoulders are lifted off of the ground as opposed to the legs, which are situated at the end of the workout to allow you to keep training your abs when they are fatigued. When there are purposeful ab exercises in your workouts they do not have to be long.

The point of this video is to give you a follow along ab workout that you can do anywhere. There are no special pieces of equipment needed to do this. All you need is your body and some space on the floor. You might actually need a bit more than that, and that would be a heavy dose of determination to try and resist the burn of these exercises as you do them. Remember, the pain from ab training is usually only temporary. As soon as finish the exercise and the lactic acid starts to clear the abdominal muscles, you feel normal again.

See if you can follow the entire ab workout along with me, resting when I do. If you need extra rest for some reason, don’t be bashful – take it. Maybe you can only do 40 seconds of one of the 60 second exercises. That’s ok, do what you can and rest for the remainder of that exercise. As you get stronger on these you will be able to do the whole thing without extra rest. Here is the ab workout as follows:

Seated Ab Circles Left x 60 seconds
Seated Ab Circles Right x 60 seconds
Drunken Mountain Climbers x 60 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Marching Planks x 60 seconds
Scissors x 60 seconds
Starfish Crunch x 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Russian V Tuck Twists x 30 seconds

So there is an ab workout you can do at home with no equipment that will get you started on getting that six pack you’ve always wanted. If you want to speed up the process you will want to make sure your diet is in place as well. If you want a step by step meal plan to get you ripped fast, head to http:/ and get the athlean-x Training System.

For more ab workout videos that you can follow for a six pack, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at and be sure to turn on notifications so you never miss when something new is posted.

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  1. I run out of breath while doing these, i need to stop and take some deep breaths, I finished with a lot of difficulty. I will do this every to strengthen myself

  2. Day 20, Noticable diference recieved two compliments already that i've lost my gut without me ever mentioning anything. I force myself to do the exercise although i cant stick to the full 60 second length period i still do it every single day and results have shown! Has gotten noticably easier aswell can't wait for few weeks from now

  3. Does anybody else do the cross knee planks at the halfway point in the drunken mountain climbers? After I saw his 6 minute ab workout I started doing it like that

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