Athlean-X GymExercisesIsolation ExercisesShoulderWorkouts

Insane NEW Shoulder Exercise – A Shoulder Workout “MUST”!

Get More “MMI” Shoulder Exercises:

When deciding what shoulder exercises to do to make up your shoulder workout the focus should never remain strictly on the shoulders! In fact, if you want to get even better results from your workouts you need to start training muscles the way that they are meant to be trained….and you’ll get an additive effect!

Enter MMI or “Maximum Muscle InteraXion”. MMI allows the muscles of the entire upper body to function and work together to produce even greater size and strength gains than could be achieved by training either the chest, shoulders or abs in isolation.

As you’ll see in this insane “shoulder” exercise…not only will you be working out your shoulders with this shoulder press variation, (specifically the front delts) but also the upper chest and abs at the same time. By doing these together in one exercise you can be sure that you tie in all of the muscle groups that are supposed to train together.

For more exercises like this, and an entire workout program based on the exact way that pro athletes work out for maximum muscle interaXion…head to and get the athlean-x Training System created by celebrity pro athlete trainer Jeff Cavaliere.

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Shoulder Exercise,shoulder exercises,shoulder workout,shoulder work out,shoulder workouts,front deltoid exercises,side deltoid exercises,shoulder presses,shoulder press,shoulder strength,shoulder training,upper chest exercise,upper chest workout,athleanx,athlean x,Jeff Cavaliere

#Insane #Shoulder #Exercise #Shoulder #Workout


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  1. I love this combo! Excellent material as always Jeff. I cant believe I missed this one until tonight. And I just finished shoulders. Cant wait until next time, I'm definitely hitting this one. Thank you for everything you share my brother!!! – Blessings to you and yours from Missouri.

  2. Amazing advice once again. Screw the haters at the gym. Most of them are not athletes or physiotherapists. Or strength coaches and nutrition experts

  3. Basically an Arnold Press without the rotation at the top. Wouldn't it be better to just do a straight up Arnold Press seeing as how this is supposed to be a shoulder exercise and a correct Arnold Press hits all 3 heads of the deltoid?

  4. I imagine you could probably lock your legs in a leg extension attachment and rock back and forth, might be a tad easier for those who have back issues..

  5. 1. One should not move with the core with serious weights as the compound movement is enough to focus on.
    2.. If you want to include isometric ab training in your shoulder training – well, whatever (why not trash your abs during rowing movements or squats?). But then stay in one position, leaning as far backwards as you can maintain throughout the set.
    3. The movement he shows activates the hip flexor, without concentric or eccentric movement of the apps. You should do the opposite. Don't train the hip flexor, train the antagonists. Most people have serious muscular disbalances in the hip.

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