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Home Fat Burning Workout (21 MINUTE KILLER!)

Get ripped while building athletic muscle without equipment

Home fat burning workouts are a staple of any successful trainee’s training arsenal. Sometimes, we just don’t have access to our favorite gyms, equipment or time and are faced with the choice of either not training at all or finding an alternative and getting it done. In this video, I show you an actual home fat burning workout that I did in the hotel room as I arrived in Houston to prepare one of my clients.

This 21 minute fat burning workout can be done with literally no equipment at all. You can do it in very tight spaces, as I show you demonstrating it in my small hotel room. The best part about this fat burner is it does so without costing you your hard earned muscle. Too often, fat burning workouts are composed of exercises that are nothing more than glorified aerobics. While this may be good for helping you to burn fat, they aren’t good for keeping let alone building new muscle.

The difference between this workout to burn fat and most others is that the exercises are selected to be equally explosive as they are tiring. This allows us to overload the muscles and create new muscle growth while at the same time enabling a metabolic challenge that helps us to burn fat.

The workout may appear simple at first, that is until you actually try it. The goal is to complete just 3 exercises, each with a rep goal to be performed in a one minute period. Whatever time is remaining in the minute after completing your rep goal becomes your rest. Continue shooting to complete each rep goal in each successive minute until you’ve either missed a goal or have made it all the way to 21 minutes without missing any.

Begin by attempting to complete 5 single leg burpees on each leg in the first minute. Whenever you finish them, you have the rest of that minute to rest before moving onto minute two. In this second minute you will need to perform 10 box jumps. If you don’t have access to something to jump on, you can simply do broad jumps back and forth. Once again, rest the balance of the minute once you have finished. Finally, move onto the 20 jax pushups. These killer pec punishers will be tough. They may seem a bit easy the first round through, but remember you have to make it through 7 full rounds of each of these fat burning exercises.

When you are ready to start building serious athletic muscle with a totally equipment free workout program, head to and get the ATHLEAN XERO program. In just 6 weeks, see how fast you can build nothing but ripped, lean muscle while losing whatever lingering body fat you have covering them right now.

For more fat burning workouts that you can do at home or at the gym, some with absolutely no equipment at all, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

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#Home #Fat #Burning #Workout #MINUTE #KILLER


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  1. Jeff… I fell embarrassed, because I could only do 5 sets. And in set number 4 I couldn’t do the jack pushups so I went with regular pushups but only lasted for level 5. I feel supper embarrassed even do I am a progressional gk at the USA championship level. I can not wait to be fit as you

  2. This was my go to workout during lockdown when i had no access to any weights or gym. Kept me in shape and more importantly sane! Even when doing 4-5 times a week, it still kicked my ass everytime. Thanks Jeff!

  3. I have the zero program, and that workout I did in the night in my front yard under the street light.I tell you the truth you can make your workouts pretty frightning in what environment your in because it is mentally challenging. Especially, a long day at work or school therefore it's hard to focus. I can hear my thoughts running through my mind saying, "FOCUS!", by Dwayne Johnson. My mother would not accept jumping in the house; no good environment that spoils my conscience. It's true, "NO BENCH NO BULL"; no excuses at all.

  4. Just tried it. Got 3 1/2 rounds done (well, more like 3 3/4) and I thought I was going to die. I’m no athlete but I’m in reasonable shape. This workout is no joke.

  5. The only problem here is that beginners like myself cant do that many pushups. After reaching 20 or lets say if i push to 30. No more is possible at all because i cant lift my body up anymore.

  6. I just finished this workout. It whooped my ass. Im sitting here sweating like hell. Especially since I added pull ups to the mix to get the back involved.

  7. Hello Jeff sir ! I have been following you and many of your work out …. Especially your fat burning ones like 5 min fat burning…. 10 min fat burning workout… I think this one is one of the best with intensity and rest periods equally divided for recovery and yet stretched for 21 min only !!! Loved it !! All the best from India !

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