Athlean-X GymExercisesWorkouts

Home Abs Workout Blitz!! – Part 5 – Get 6 Pack Abs

Get 6 Pack Abs at home here:

Week 5 of your “Home Abs Workout” blitz brings you one step closer to that elusive 6 pack that you’ve always wanted. This ” 6 pack abs workout” video series is your step by step guide to getting “6 pack abs” in just 12 weeks! With trainer to the stars Jeff Cavaliere, there is no more guesswork. Simply follow the workouts and follow the expert advice from each show and in no time, you too will have an unbelievably ripped core!

In this weeks episode, Jeff chooses five new “abs exercises”, that like in all other weeks, are unique, cutting edge and some of the most effective ways you can quickly etch in a 6 pack stomach.

Variety is a key component of any ab workout. If your abs exercises aren’t varied enough you will not be providing enough of a stimulus for your body to change. To get your body to start showing off 6 pack abs you’ve got to do exercises that change often and that you can do with consistency. Don’t worry about the variety. Jeff Cavaliere takes the very same ab exercises that he uses with his top pro athlete clients and keeps mixing them up for you to get that part covered.

The consistency on the other hand comes from one key thing…you actually doing the exercises! That is covered too since Jeff makes sure to include only abs exercises and ab workouts that you can do in your home. He knows that if you can do them in your home then you’ll be more likely to do them consistently.

That said, once you’re doing these cool ab exercises at home and seeing results than you’ll want to make sure you head over to to get your 90 day complete athlean-x Training system. It’s your step by step guide (including meal plans) to get you into your new athlean body. We’re looking forward to you joining TEAM ATHLEAN!

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#Home #Abs #Workout #Blitz #Part #Pack #Abs


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  1. Hard Work pays of Jeff, look where you are now 9M subs, and you started as small as this, you inspire me Jeff, and one day i will achieve sucsses to, continue strong Jeff Cavalire

  2. hey jeff. i wanted to ask you a question i have been making your exerisices for this 4 weeks and about 3 days ago i got injured and i dont know if i can still do this exercises, i will no be injured for a long time is not something very big,but i wanted to ask you this so i can know what to do while im injured.. so do i still do this exercises or do i suspend them until im better?? well thanks a lot jeff. please answer 🙂

  3. @Cameron Borrelli I think u should stick with this one alone cause doin this plus 6pack promise might overtrain your abs. I do this 5-6 times a week.

  4. Hey Jeff I have a few questions. With these ab workouts like this one should I use it in the athlean x program or just follow the program by itself. Also when doing these ab exercises do you want me to do them each exercise as a circuit and then repeat the whole thing or jus do one exercise at a time?

  5. Hey Jeff,
    I don't actually own a physioball for doing the Running Man, so do you think I could perhaps substitute the exercise for a similar one like the Commando Crunch or any other one using a bench instead of the ball?
    Thanks, you're great by the way

  6. Hey Jeff,
    I don't have a physioball, so i can't do the last exercise, what exercise would you recommend i replace the "running man" with?
    Thanks for the videos, keep up the good work.

  7. @happycamper651 Hey Mark….the AthLEAN-X program will definitely help you to build a solid core and remain extremely athletic and functional at the same time. Along with the program comes a 90 day meal plan that spells out step by step the best way to eat for maximum fat loss and muscle growth. You'll find it incredibly helpful as you make your way towards this season and beyond!

  8. hey jeff,
    my name is mark and i am going to play football at saint thomas this year as a running back. Im about 6'2 210 and i hav 7 % body fat. I am wondering if running as well as doing your workout will help me build a strong core? and are you supposed to be eating a lot of protein as well as weigh protein shakes or will that add fat to my core by taking these shakes?? thanx

  9. @GuitarDreams1 It's what makes us all different. Some of us are the "Abs" and others are the "Ab Nots" 🙂 Those with abs can still have very different looking midsections depending upon the orientation of the muscle fibers making them up.

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