Athlean-X Gym

Do This Between EVERY Set for More Muscle Growth!

If you want to see faster muscle growth, you must start doing this between every set of your workouts. This is one of the most overlooked variables when it comes to tracking your workouts and is perhaps one of the most important. I’m talking about your rest between sets and how long you should be resting between sets to see the best results from your training.

The problem is, most of us don’t pay enough attention to this when we train. Instead, we aimlessly browse social media between sets and don’t realize how much time passes between sets of an exercise, which can greatly diminish the effectiveness of your workout.

The best thing you can do is simply start setting the timer app on your phone.

If you are given a rest range between sets, say 2-3 minutes for maximum hypertrophy, then you could either set it for the low end of that range and determine whether you needed a little extra time before jumping into the next set or sync it to the maximum rest for that range and simply jump into the next set earlier if you feel ready to go.

That being said, it is important to point out that there is great variability in the recommendations for interset rest periods depending on the goal of your training.

If you are training strictly for strength you are going to require much more rest to ensure that you are fully recovered and ready to perform at peak effort in your next set. Because of the high demands of strength training, you will often find lifters resting at minimum, 3-5 minutes but even as high as 10 minutes before heading into their next set of the exercise.

When hypertrophy or muscle growth is the goal you can see a big departure from these numbers but still a great deal of variation. For instance, here you will often see studies that point to either 60-90 seconds between sets as the optimal length that you should be resting after completing a set of an exercise or others that recommend this number be pushed closer to 2 to 3 minutes.

The largest determinant of this is the exercise that you are performing and your overall cumulative fatigue up to that point in the workout. Larger, compound exercises will need more time to recover from between sets while smaller, isolation or accessory exercises will likely need far less time.

Taking this even further however is the idea that muscle growth and getting bigger muscles isn’t always about the weight that you are lifting. In fact, we know that accumulating metabolic stress is one of the better ways to grow muscle. Here, you would lift much lighter weights for much higher reps to failure. It is common that the reps be even as high as 20 here. The rest taken between sets when this is your training style could be as short as 30 seconds.

The idea is that you want to accumulate metabolites as a byproduct of muscle contraction, which serves to place an intracellular stress on the muscles that causes a need for repair and regrowth.

Finally, others simply want to get in better shape from their workouts. Sets are treated less individually and more as one combined effort in an attempt to reach physical exhaustion and to improve overall cardiovascular conditioning. Here things like HIIT training and barbell complexes done with light weight can help to achieve this end goal with very very short rest times.

The rest between exercises here can be minimal and the rest between completed circuits or rounds is kept to a maximum of 60 seconds.

Regardless of what your training goal is right now the key is that you need to adopt a method for accurately measuring your rest periods. Keeping track of how long you rest between sets is something that can not only keep you on pace for a high intensity workout but it gives you a comparison just like your weight and reps logged that you can go back to as a way to see how you are improving from your training.

Don’t overlook the importance of timing your rest period between sets if you want to build muscle and see faster muscle growth. Just like everything else you track with your workouts you want to not neglect how important this one is to your overall results.

If you are looking for a complete program that spells out every set, rep and rest time between sets to ensure you see your best muscle growth and results, be sure to head to and pick the program that aligns with your specific goals.

For more videos on how long to rest between sets for most muscle growth and the best rest period between sets for strength, be sure to subscribe to our channel via the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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  2. My question.
    If im going for muscle growth. Say i bench 35-40lb dumbells on the floor. I do 25 reps. Rest for 2 mins then i can only do 20 rest for 2 mins then i can only do 15. Is that how its sapose to be. Or do i have to much weight?

  3. He's right. I just started using my phone timer, and was getting real results. Huge difference and so I looked on YouTube and here I am listening to a great affirmation on that.

  4. Im confused. If we are doing reps until failure, then you cant just choose a resting time. You have to wait until you can do that many reps again. What if that is like 15-20 min?

    Im confused

  5. I’ve always timed my workouts. Now I time them on my Apple Watch ⌚️ I check where I’m at when I finish a set and then when the time has advanced by 60 seconds, I begin the next set. So when I e finished, I have a record of how long I worked out and my active calorie burn.

  6. I don't rest between sets of the exact same type of workout. 1st I do a warm up small set. Hammer curl bicepts…individual dumbells but I curl them up at the same time. So if I know I can do 25 pounds per hand..I start off at 15 pounds per hand and do two or three reasonably slow and controlled reps, then go to 25 pounds, do as many reps as possible, immediately switch DOWN to 20 pounds, as many as possible. then immediately down to 15, rinse..repeat, 10 pounds, rinse and repeat. Same overall idea with knee raises on the machine ( that clearly tells the numbskulls at Planet Fitness " DON'T swing" and some of they still do with 45 and 50 pounds on it like thinking they're really strong). 13 pounds, then 23, then 18, then 13, then 10. Squads on the machine next, then lat pull downs, squats again, then bicepts again.

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  7. Years back in a coupe of Jeff's videos he stated that it is better if leave any cardio-related exercises to the end of your workout(in hypertrophy case) Question: what if only 30-40 secs (out of 90 secs rest) of rope jumps executed during the rest periods help you to perform your sets more efficiently, should I continue doing them or they still reduce the overall muscle growth?

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  9. Hi Jeff!, Thanks for sharing your wisdom on a consistent basis. If you come across this comment, It would be kind of you to share your thoughts on how would you use the ideas of progressive load sets/supersets,/drop sets/ (HIIT style)circuit sets or a combination of these to achieve say strength/muscle growth/endurance. Thanks again for doing what you're doing.!

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  11. Can you do a video on breathing? I realized last night in my Beaxst training workout that fatigue from breathing was hindering my ability to continue; particularly on squats and other compound movements. I’d really like your input on how to breathe correctly during lifts.

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