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Six Pack Abs Shortcuts! – “13 Tips to 6 PACK ABS”

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Shortcuts to “Six Pack Abs” are probably the most in demand pieces of information in the fitness world. Issue upon issue of men’s fitness magazines are devoted to helping guys get closer to their “6 pack” stomachs. That said, there never seems to be any real useable information that you can start doing today to start seeing results.

That’s where celebrity trainer Jeff Cavaliere steps in and shows you 13 Tips to a sick six pack. Utilizing ab exercise tweaks, nutrition tips, secret ingredients that speed up fat loss and metabolism, and workout tips that the top pro athletes use each day…Jeff has assembled his top 13 fastest ways to get those 6 pack abs to start showing.

The easiest way to start seeing results is to find ways that make your normal ab workouts either quicker or more effective. Jeff and his athlean-x Training System do just that. Using just these 13 tips as a starting point you can get your plan of ab attack in place. For THE exact plan to follow you can head to to get the step by step plan for executing your six pack abs transformation!

Why wait when you can utilize the best 6 pack shortcuts to get there quicker?!?

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  1. I do 4 sets of 15 on the leg raises. My question is how do i get my legs to go all the way up? I can only get them up to where my toes go just past eye level. Is that from a lack of flexibility?

  2. Hi Jeff,
    Big fan, you give out so much knowledge, thought would give some back.
    I know you love your cinnamon as do I, I noticed you had what looked like the Kirk's cinnamon in the vid from Costco, this is the cheaper cinnamon eg Cassia or regular variety which in large amounts is said not to be good for you. Switch to Ceylon/ known as true cinnamon that doesn't have repercussions.

    Quote: This mostly applies to Cassia or “regular” cinnamon because it contains high amounts of coumarin, which has been linked to conditions like liver damage and cancer. On the other hand, Ceylon or “true” cinnamon only contains trace amounts of coumarin and can be safely consumed in larger amounts.Nov 18, 2017

    Thanks again, You are the Numero Uno of fitness…..

  3. I know this is an older video but its very well done. I like the toggle between the gym and the kitchen. It really emphasizes how much of an impact our food choices make on our results and progress. It's also nice to see some of your food choices.

  4. Hey Jeff…John here in Montreal. Down 90 lbs and have begins of a six pack at age 56. Intermittent fasting, 9 hours of sleep per night, eat only organic from everything from grass fed organic meats to organic spices and everything in between. Your videos have helped me to achieve my goals and i tell everyone I know about you. Thank you for everything

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