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Bigger Wider Shoulders in 14 DAYS (With 1 DUMBBELL!)

It’s time to get Bigger, Wider Shoulders –

Did you know that bigger, wider shoulders is one of the muscle groups listed at the top of the list when Men’s Health Magazine polled women to see what turned them on the most in guys? Shocked me. I thought abs, and arms would easily top those…but they didn’t. The reason why is because a set of powerful explosive shoulders frames your entire physique and lets people know that you’re in shape and strong without having to say a word.

All that said, the problem that most guys face when trying to get big shoulders is that they feel as if the only way to get them is by doing countless reps of heavy military presses. This isn’t the only way. In fact, using one of the most popular shoulder exercises but also one of the most incorrectly performed, you can start adding size to your shoulders in as little as 14 days!

The ability to get bigger shoulders and add muscle mass to your shoulders in 14 days comes from the principle of muscle overload. By incorporating the cheat side lateral exercise you can add significant weight to the exercise and as a result, size to your shoulders much more quickly. The trick is to not swing the weight up, but make sure that you muscle it up.

From the top of the movement, you want to be sure that you slowly lower the weight down, concentrating on the eccentric part of the exercise to ensure that the deltoid is getting the brunt of the work. Continue to perform as many reps as you can until failure and incorporate this technique into your shoulder workout each time you perform it.

You actually can see a difference in your shoulder size after even just one of these workouts. Not from actual shoulder muscle growth but more from the lingering pump that you will experience (not very common when doing shoulder workouts!) by training the muscles the right way.

For more techniques to help you add not just more size to your shoulders but to every other muscle in your body, be sure to head over to and get the 90 day athlean-x Training System. You will see how making changes to familiar shoulder exercises can lead to all new results that you see from your shoulder training and workouts.

For more videos on how to train like an athlete and build bigger shoulders like Dwight Howard, be sure to head over to

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#Bigger #Wider #Shoulders #DAYS #DUMBBELL


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  1. I usually avoid this guys content like the plugue. Don't get me wrong, it's good information,but damn my dude talks to damn much. Just simplify the explanation,we are not studying for Doctorates here 🙄

  2. Meanwhile, ive been working mine twice a week for 4 weeks and they still look the same 😂 i use 5lb dumbbells for them. Im only a small 30 year old woman.

  3. I swear this guy makes the best and most insightful workout videos on the internet. No BS, no get ripped quick, just hard work, and dedication with good quality form instructions. Crazy to go back nearly 10 years and see how far he's come.

  4. great video Jeff im for sure going to start using your tips with free weight dumbbells i have also watched several of your past videos and have had a big impact thank you again Jeff and keep up the great work.

  5. What if you are dealing with prior shoulder injuries?? I'm just now able to start getting my strength. & muscle back. The orthopedic doctor, told me NOT to use heavy weights…what is your recommendation??

  6. Question I cant find any information on this. I have a single dumbbell where you can grip the outside of the weight with 2 hands evenly and I'm doing floor presses with it, what muscles would I mainly be working out or is it not good for my arms, shoulders, or chest?

  7. This man and his video helped me a lot to overcome plantar fasciitis and heel spurs a couple years ago. Thanks a lot, mate! Kind regards from South Australia! You are a genuine man!👍

  8. if you guys have 2.5 lb dbs dont even use them, do pushups, dips, pullups, squats for high reps, one legged deadlifts aand inverted rows and handstand pushups

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