Athlean-X GymExercisesWorkouts

Best Home Ab Workout (NO EQUIPMENT – ANY LEVEL!)

Get abs like an athlete with athlean-x here…

Home ab workouts are one of the best ways to assist in getting six pack abs. Of course, it starts with a solid nutrition plan to shed the fat that may be overlying the abs. From there however, you need to have an ab workout that is convenient enough to be done anywhere without requiring equipment.

This home ab workout is one that can be done with absolutely no equipment and at any ability level. How is that? Because this ab workout uses x-tinction programming. With x-tinction programming you can make any ab exercise challenging regardless of your ab strength.

The workout shown in this home abs workout are as follows:

– Two down One Ups for 45 seconds with extinction at 45 seconds

– Figure 8’s for 60 seconds with extinction at 60 seconds

– 21 Crunch for 12 reps with extinction at 12 reps


– Scissor V Ups for 45 seconds with extinction at 45 seconds

– Hip Touch Planks x 15 each side with extinction at 15 each side

– Russian V Tuck Twists x 16 reps each side with extinction at 8 reps

This particular home ab workout follows the A-X six pack progression. This takes you through all of your home ab exercises in a specific sequence. You want to perform your lower ab exercises when your strength is freshest since these movements are generally the most challenging.

Perform this ab workout circuit following the instructions provided in the video and start using it 5-6 times per week for best results. As noted already, you have to be sure your nutrition is in check if you want to see the results of your new six pack stomach.

For a complete step by step meal plan to help you get ripped, six pack abs head to and get the athlean-x Training System. Get daily ab workouts that change all the time so you never do the same one twice.

For more ab workouts and killer ab exercise videos, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

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#Home #Workout #EQUIPMENT #LEVEL


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  1. I made this for myself so I could follow along at home without having to search for each exercise. Hopefully it helps others as well:

    Lower Ab Movement (Two Down One Ups) 45 Sec:


    Bottom Up Rotation (Figure 8's) 60 Sec:


    Midrange Movement (The "21 Crunch) 12 Reps:


    Obliques Movement (Scissor "V" Ups) 45 Sec:


    Top Down Movement (Hip Touch Planks) 15 Ea/Side:


    Top Down Rotation (V Up Russian Twists) 8 ea/Side:


    No excuses!

  2. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and casually threw in abs every other few days lazily at the end of my workouts.. this, kicked my ass. Nice workout.

  3. Quality routine and nice clear instruction, I just wanna rip up again around the core as I’m a drummer and the gigs are coming back now lockdown is easing off here in the uk 🇬🇧 💪🏼

  4. After I completed everything I still had spare energy in the tank but after resting 10 minutes i felt like my abs are at the bring of colaps, a slight cramping in my stomach. Is this good and did I get any benefits from the workout?

  5. I've been doing this for two days now and I can't seem to get anywhere longer than about 5-10 seconds on these exercises. Any advice do I keep going or am I just going to hurt myself and not actually build muscle. I've done these exercises multiple times and gave up because I can't get to 10 reps on some of these movements. Any advice?

  6. This is awesome. I have a giant tail bone, so I can’t do sit ups and crunches. This is the first workout I’ve found that made my abs sore for two days!

    For some reason though, my thighs are WAY more sore! Did that happen to anyone else?

  7. hi can someone provide some feedback? i hv a real problem lifting my back up as high at jeff does during the scissor v-ups. is this normal or does this reflect a really weak core? and if it does, any suggestions on replacing the scissor-v ups? thanks 🙏

  8. Nice workout, will definitely try to improve upon how long I can do it. The no break between exercises is the hard part. I got through the first couple of exercises 2x each, then the rest of the workout was super hard because you're working similar muscle groups. Now I kinda feel like i missed out on hitting all the areas of the abdominals because the extinction rules required me to go out too hard at the start. A beginner would extinct this whole workout in under 2 minutes lol.

  9. My Xtinction numbers were awful so I set them into reps and in a WEEK my abs are so much more defined and my ab muscles are crazyyy 😂, I had a flat(ish) stomach before and now at a distance you can see my abs forming. YOURE KILLING ME BUT YOURE A LEGEND! Haven’t worked out since I was 13 & i’m 18 now, you’ve done me a solid 😭

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