
10 Best Back and Bicep Dumbbell Workout

This best back and bicep dumbbell workout focuses on building mass and strength in the lats, lower back, rhomboids, both heads of the biceps, and forearms.

The combination of back and bicep exercise help to increase your muscle strength and endurance in back and bicep. Back and bicep is a muscle pairing as old as the Rowing exercises. The back muscle is the main targeted muscle in most rows exercises, and the bicep and rear deltoid are crucial synergistic muscles.

Training your back and biceps together in the same workout is something very common in today’s bodybuilding training routines. It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or an advanced lifter.

back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout

Back Muscle Anatomy

The back or upper posterior chain (Backside of the body) is composed of many different muscles which include.
Trapezius -Muscles near the neck responsible for neck rotation/lateral flexion, scapular retraction/depression, shoulder stabilization, and arm rotation

Rhomboids – Located below the traps and responsible for scapular retraction.

Latissimus Dorsi – The largest muscle of the upper body which performs the functions of adduction, extension, and horizontal abduction of the humerus.
Erector Spinae – Muscles located along the spinal column responsible for lumbar spine function like lateral flexion, bending, and twisting.

back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout

Bicep Muscle Anatomy

The Bicep Muscle consists of the following parts:

  • Biceps brachii
  • Brachialis

Biceps brachii muscle (biceps) is a large, thick muscle of the upper arm. The Biceps Brachii is attached to the forearm bone called the radius and originates at the scapula in two heads (the Bicep gets its name from the two heads).

  • The short head
  • The long head

Brachialis lies on the outer side of the arm.

The brachioradialis muscle group is firmly attached to the bicep and is also activated when tracking back and biceps.

back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout

Back and Bicep Dumbbell Workout Benefits

The back and bicep exercises and workout plan are divided into dumbbell rowing exercises, Deadlift, and DB Bicep curls However, there are many advantages of doing back and bicep exercises using dumbbells, such as:

  • Dumbbells require more balance than barbells or machines that can lead to greater muscle fiber recruitment.
  • Dumbbells allow unilateral training (training one limb at a time), increase core stability, and improve muscular imbalances.
  • It allows for greater joint safety and stabilization and allows the joints to move naturally within their range of motion.
  • It affords a greater level of variety, which prevents physical and mental burnout.
  • Back and bicep dumbbell workout provide variations and allow for a greater range of movement (ROM), which leads to an increased number of muscle fibers recruited.
  • Back and bicep dumbbells workout are perfect for the at-home exerciser with the limited space.

10 Best Back and Bicep Dumbbell Workout for Mass and Strength


Here are 10 exercises to help you build back and biceps with the help of dumbbell only. You can use these as part of a regular workout or as a standalone circuit.

Back Exercises With Dumbbell

1. Dumbbell Deadlift

The deadlift is the best exercise for posterior chain muscle strengthening. This chain includes the erector spine, glutes, and hamstrings.


It can be performed using either a barbell or a pair of dumbbells. One of the biggest benefits of using dumbbells for deadlifts is that you increase the range of motion you can work with compared to barbell deadlifts.

back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout
Muscles Involved


Primary: Erector spinae, gluteals, hamstrings.

Secondary: Trapezius, latissimus dorsi, quadriceps, forearms.

Execution Technique
  1. Place a dumbbell in front of you. Grab the Dumbbells with each of your hands. Remember to keep your back as straight as possible and contract your back and hamstrings.
  2. Raise the dumbbell from the ground using your hamstrings and glutes. You should keep your legs slightly bent, back straight, and head looking up.
  3. Raise it to the point where your body is erect. Do not hyperextend your body as the weight shifts to the lumbar spine. Hold the bar for a moment at the top of the lift and remember to lockouts.
  4. Now, lower the dumbbell slowly at a steady slow pace by bending at the hips first and then at the knees and let the weight touch the ground for a moment before you begin the next rep.
  • Do not go through half of the exercise, complete the lift.
  • If a deadlift is performed incorrectly, it can cause more harm than good. Keep the back straight at all costs.
  • Go full range of motion and keep the form correct.
  • Avoid jerky movements and keep motion-controlled.

2. One-Arm Dumbbell Row


One-Arm Dumbbell Row is an excellent full-range exercise to build the lats muscles (Back Muscle).

This helps to work on each side independently, thereby provide better muscle isolation and a longer range of motion.

It’s an excellent alternative to Barbell rows. Must add this back and bicep dumbbell workout in your exercises arsenal.

back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout
Muscles Involved

Primary: Latissimus dorsi.

Secondary: Trapezius, rhomboids, rear deltoid, erector spinae, biceps.

Execution Technique


  1. Grasp a dumbbell with palm facing in. Rest the opposite hand and knee on a bench, keeping your spine straight and just above parallel to the floor.
  2. Pull the dumbbell vertically upward alongside your torso, raising the elbow as high as possible.
  3. Slowly lower the dumbbell as low as possible, feeling a good lats spread.
  4. Repeat on the other side.
  • Keep motion under strict control for better isolation.
  • Avoid hunchback bending as it leads to Injury.

3. Dumbbell Bent Over Row

If you are looking to strengthen the upper back and adding massive muscle to the upper back region, then bent over dumbbell rows is the exercise.

The dumbbell row workout is a variation of the bent-over row. Pulling the dumbbell up higher toward the chest targets the upper latissimus and trapezius. Pulling the dumbbell through a lower trajectory to touch the abdomen targets the lower lats.


back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout
Muscles Involved

Primary: Latissimus dorsi.

Secondary: Erector spinae, trapezius, rhomboids, rear deltoid.

Execution Technique
  1. Stand with a narrow stance and a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip.
  2. Bend your torso forward at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor with knees slightly bent.
  3. Now use the back and raise the dumbbell until it touches the abdominal region and not the chest region as it reduces back muscle contraction.
  4. Slowly lower the dumbbell keeping it in control to the starting position.
  • Do not use more weight than you can handle. This fatigues your spinal erectors and says goodbye to form.
  • Keep movement always under control, without letting gravity take you down faster.

4. Dumbbell Upright Row

Dumbbell Upright Row exercise is an excellent exercise to Build huge Trapezius muscles and create that deltopectoral separation.

Heavy Upright Rows along with shrugs build massive traps.

back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout
Muscles Involved

Primary: Lateral deltoid, trapezius.

Secondary: Anterior deltoid, supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, teres minor.

Execution Technique
  1. Hold a bar with a narrow overhand grip and let it hang in front of you.
  2. Lift the bar, get it as close as possible to the chin using your arms, and elevate your shoulders to squeeze your trapezius muscles.
  3. Now lower the bar under controlled motion until it comes back to its starting position.
  • Remember to exhale while you exert.
  • Keep a controlled motion and avoid jerky movements.
  • Keep your back straight.

5. Renegade Row


The renegade row is also known as a plank row which is almost a variation of the dumbbell row. It is designed to target the upper back. Like a plank, it is designed to target the core.

The renegade row is a multitasking exercise that tones your back and works your core, while also testing your balance and stability.

It’s the ultimate functional strength-training move that will give you a huge back.

back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout
Muscles Involved

Primary: Lats, Chest, Anterior deltoid.

Secondary: Anterior deltoid, supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, teres minor.


Execution Technique
  1. Place two dumbbells on the floor about shoulder-width apart. Start in the top position of a push-up position with your hands on the weights.
  2. Pull right elbow back, raising dumbbell toward chest, keeping right elbow close to the torso, abs tight, and hips in one line.
  3. Hold for one second at the top and return the weight slowly to the starting position to repeat on the other side.
  4. Complete the desired number of repetitions.
  • Keep your body in a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles as you row the weight.
  • Do not jerk the weight up. Row weight in a smooth, controlled motion.
  • Make sure you do the same number of repetitions for each arm.

Dumbbell Bicep Exercises


6. Standing Dumbbell Curls

Standing Dumbbell Curl works the biceps muscles at the front of the upper arm and the lower arm’s muscles, brachialis, and brachioradialis.

Doing the standing arm curl, you build strength in the upper arm and learn to use your arm muscles correctly, bracing with your core muscles. Dumbbell curl in the best exercise, that you can add in your back and bicep dumbbell workout routine to build mass.

back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout


Muscles Involved

Primary: Biceps brachii.

Secondary: Brachialis, brachioradialis, anterior deltoid, forearm.

Execution Technique
  1. Stand straight, keeping feet shoulder-width apart, grab a pair of dumbbells by your side. The dumbbells should not be touching your body.
  2. Your palms should be facing upwards. Take up the slack by bending the elbows slightly. Tension should be on the biceps.
  3. Slowly curl the dumbbells up as far as possible.
  4. Then slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
  • Do not swing the body back as you curl up the weight.
  • Do not let the dumbbells touch your body.

7. Dumbbell Reverse Curl


Dumbbell Reverse curl is a variation of the standard bicep curl where the barbell is gripped palms up. The motion is the same, but the change in grip allows for specific arm muscles to be targeted.

The reverse bicep curl is performed by contracting the biceps with your palms facing down using a barbell, dumbbells, or EZ-curl bar. This exercise provides stability and a full range of motion.

back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout
Muscles Involved

Primary: biceps brachii and brachialis.

Secondary: brachioradialis, anterior deltoid, forearm.


Execution Technique
  1. Stand straight, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab a dumbbell in each hand using an overhand grip and arms should be fully extended.
  2. Keeping your upper arms stationary and your back straight, curl the weights up towards your shoulders, exhale as you do so. Use only your forearms for this movement.
  3. Continue curling the dumbbells up until they are at shoulder level and your biceps are fully contracted.
  4. Return to the starting position in a smooth arc, inhale as you do so.
  • Rotate the forearms slowly, excessive-velocity may cause issues within the elbows or wrists.
  • Using a slow eccentric of the exercise can help to improve tension and mind-muscle connection.
  • Be aware of proper weight and body mechanics at all times during this exercise.

8. Concentration Curl


Concentration Curl is the best exercise to build a biceps peak. This exercise should be a part of your arms race, as peaked biceps are very impressive to look at.

This exercise is done standing and seated bent at the torso using a dumbbell. Resting the upper arm against the thigh prevents movement at the shoulder and is an excellent way to isolate the biceps.

back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout
Muscles Involved

Primary: Biceps.

Secondary: Brachialis, brachioradialis, forearm muscles.

Execution Technique
  1. Bend down at your torso holding a dumbbell in your hand and resting your other arm on your knee.
  2. Curl your arms to the maximum and twist your wrist so that the little finger is at a lower level than the thumb.
  3. Curl the dumbbell back to start position.
  4. Repeat the desired number of sets.
  • Exhale while you exert.
  • Go as heavy as possible but keep form strict.


9. Hammer Curl

The Hammer Curl is a classic weightlifting exercise that targets the biceps and forearms. It is different from the regular bicep curl as it involves an overhand grip with a pronated wrist, as opposed to an underhand grip.

When it comes to building muscular hypertrophy and strength, the hammer curl exercise is one of the most popular exercises amongst bodybuilders and regular weightlifters.

back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout
Muscles Involved

Primary: Brachialis, brachioradialis.

Secondary: anterior deltoid, forearm.

Execution Technique
  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees.
  2. Hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands with your palms facing towards your body.
  3. Keeping your elbows close to your body, slowly curl the dumbbell up to your shoulders.
  4. Pause for a second at the top of the lift, squeeze your biceps, then lower the weights under control.
  • Raise and lower the dumbbell slowly. Keep in control of using your own strength, not using momentum or gravity.
  • Neither lean back as you lift the weight nor lean forward as you lower it.

10. Zottman Curl


The dumbbell zottman curl is one of the best variations of the standard bicep curl.

The zottman curl targets your biceps and forearms at the same time. It utilizes different hand positioning at different portions of the lift.

The first portion, the regular curl, focuses on bicep strength. The second lowering portion, the dumbbell reverse curl, allows you to overload the forearms.

back and bicep dumbbell workout
back and bicep dumbbell workout
Muscles Involved

Primary: Biceps brachii, brachioradialis.

Secondary: Brachialis, and forearm.

Execution Technique
  1. Hold a pair of dumbbells to your sides.
  2. Keep your palms facing up as you curl the weights up to your shoulders. Pause at the top of the movement.
  3. Slowly rotate your grip so your palms are facing downwards. Lower the dumbbells slowly back to the starting position using an overhand grip.
  4. When the dumbbells are close to your thighs, again turn your hands while returning to the starting position.
  • Perform this exercise in a slow, controlled manner for best results.
  • Don’t go heavy. Choose a lighter weight and focus on perfecting your form.



is back and biceps a good workout?

Yes, you can train back and bicep together in your workout regime to gain mass. It’s actually preferred by many fitness gurus and bodybuilders to train them together, since you are already working the bicep when doing back.

How long should a back and bicep workout be?

There is no such thing as the optimal time for a back and bicep workout. Generally, a workout routine is between 45-90 minutes and shouldn’t take any longer than that. Some people like to train fast, and some people want to train slow

Back and bicep Dumbbell workout Dumbbell at home

All the above exercise are best options for back and bicep dumbbell workout at home. Having a V-taper back and big Gun are accomplished through building your back and biceps, and is a sign of dominance.


How frequently should I train my back and bicep?

Since the back is a large group of muscles, you’ll have to be strategic about training them, since they need more attention than the biceps.

How often you train depends on the muscle, your schedule, and your goals.

So, if you can only make it to the gym once per week, then you need to up your volume. But, if you train 2 times per week, then just train a muscle to the start of exhaustion and quit.


I hope you liked our back and bicep dumbbell workout for mass.

The Best Anatomy Based PULL Workout For Growth (Back/Biceps/Rear Delts)


Back and Bicep Workout for Muscle Mass Gains

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