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Awesome Shoulder Exercise (HITS THE ABS TOO!)

Put your core at the core of all your shoulder exercises here…

When it comes to picking the best shoulder exercises to do to increase the size of your shoulders, there’s a few things you have to consider. First, does the shoulder exercise you’re considering allow you to take the deltoids through their full range of motion? Does the shoulder exercise you pick help you eliminate unnecessary contribution from the triceps or chest? Would this fit perfectly into your shoulder workout while still allowing you to crush your abs at the same time?

If you answered no to any of the questions above then you definitely need to watch this shoulder exercise video. I show you a quick move that you can use to train your front delts. You don’t have to use a cable machine to do it either. You can easily put this into any home shoulder workout by subbing in a resistance band instead of the cable I show you here.

The front deltoids respond best to being put on a slight stretch in every rep. This allows you to take advantage of the stretch reflex to elicit a stronger contraction of the delts.

If you start adding this to your next home or gym shoulder workout you’ll start to notice additional shoulder definition and size. For an added benefit, you will see that this exercise also targets your abs and integrates them into the movement.

This type of muscle interaction is exactly what makes the athlean-x training system as popular and effective as it is. We put the core at the core of every exercise (shoulder exercise, leg exercise, chest, etc). This helps you to carve out an impressive six pack while adding pounds of athletic muscle to your frame.

You can find out more about the athlean-x Training System at

In the meantime, for more shoulder exercise videos and complete shoulder workouts be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at

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#Awesome #Shoulder #Exercise #HITS #ABS


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  1. I would like to see more shoulder type workouts that apply streching in them I have a left shoulder that has been injuried before some I careful about training it. Thanks Jeff for what you do…

  2. My front delts get plenty of work while working other things. I think what most people want is a better way to get the side and rear delts to catch up to the front, thus creating a more balanced shoulder, which equals a healthier shoulder as a whole. I am sure you already knew that though.

  3. hi jeff, love the channel, really good work. i'm writing to get your take on an issue i'm confused about. i personally prefer to do higher reps and restrict my sets to 2 or 3 maximum eg 30 reps with 2 or 3 sets depending on how much time i have. but i keep reading that it builds up your endurance whilst reducing your lean muscle. is this true and if it is please explain how. thanks

  4. Hiii.. I have been following your exercises for quite sometime now and i want to say they are amazingly effective plus i am not getting any injuries anymore. Could you please upload some outer chest (pecs) exercises? Unfortunately, there is no equipment in my gym to do dips for chest. 🙁

  5. Love the videos man…love the program too bought it about 2 months back and going strong. Its great straight facts snd science, no bullshit….being a man of science I can def appreciate this approach to your training. Also, the xpress videos are great esp when im at the gym and wanna look up a quick workout variation.

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