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Ankle Sprain Fix and Prevention (IMPROVES SQUAT TOO!)

Build strong ankles and build ripped athletic muscle in 90 days

Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries suffered by athletes and non-athletes alike. The problem with them is that they not only recur more frequently than any other injury but they make it very hard to lift with proper form. Doing squats and deadlifts become especially difficult if you lack the range of motion and mobility needed in your ankle to get down low enough. If you lack the dorsiflexion needed in your ankle to do this properly, you wind up causing compensatory pain and injury in the knees or hips.

In this video, I show you three ways you can improve the mobility of your ankle using just a single x-treme band from athlean-x. You want to start by working on the easiest motion to restore and that is the talocrural joint movement. You can do this by anchoring a band behind your tibia, making sure to keep it higher up than your ankle. As you lean into a lunge, the pull of the band should pull your tibia forward and help improve the ability of the talus to move backwards and improve dorsiflexion.

You can take the focus a little bit lower and try to improve the motion of the subtalar joint as an alternative. To do this you would want to anchor the band in front of your ankle and low. You have to be sure that your band is crossing the talus and is not too high as to land on the tibia. Here you want to try and glide the talus backwards as you slide your calcaneus or heel forward. You can do this by trying to drive your heel into the ground as you lean forward into the lunge.

The final option is one that is incredibly effective for those who have sprained their ankle or suffer from recurring ankle sprains. When this happens, the fibular head is often the reason. It is almost always found that it has displaced forward which creates less room for the talus to move freely within the talocrural joint. It is literally jamming the space that once was there that allowed your ankle to move freely.

To fix this you want to place a band around your ankle and over the fibular head (the bump on the outside of your ankle that you can feel). You pull hard with the outside hand to help glide the head of the fibula backwards as you lean into the movement and create dorsiflexion. This is an important component move of the ankle that chronic ankle sprainers lose and it winds up causing them to be susceptible to additional sprained ankles in the future.

You can see that there are a lot of ways to go about fixing a sprained ankle by improving the mobility of the ankle. The best part about these drills is that they are not only fast to do but often produce immediate results by improving ankle range of motion and decreasing pain. Even if you have an acute ankle sprain, you may find that doing this gives you a lot more range in your ankle and allows you to move the joint with much less discomfort or restriction.

For a complete program that helps you to build a ripped athletic body by training like an athlete, be sure to head to and get the athlean-x Training System. Too many people approach their training too haphazardly to see significant injury free results. If you want to take your training to the next level, then you want to start taking your training seriously.

For more videos on how to fix ankle sprains as well as other mobility drills for improving shoulder and elbow range of motion, be sure to subscribe to our channel on youtube at

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#Ankle #Sprain #Fix #Prevention #IMPROVES #SQUAT


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  1. Treatment of a tibiofibular joint dislocation video needed! Do I absolutely need surgery? I got ran over pinning my ankle inwards with my knee bent, now twisting motions compromised.

  2. 😢Watching this video while having severe pain in my ankles!!!! Will give updates….

    I got fever due to severe pain I cant tolerate.

    This exercise instantly released the tension there and after that i did a lot repetition of your other exercise in this link

    I thought I will have to see the doctor but you saved my day… i dont know how to thanks you in just words..may God bless you always…

  3. Hey Jeff I’ve just seen your video and it’s awesome! I injured my ankle last week I have a minor ankle sprain and I went to the physical therapist here where I live and she tell me to do different exercises but the one most important it’s the same that you are showing us in the video (the last one). So thank you so much for helping me too because I hadn’t fully understand what my dr said but here I have understood all!! Thanks!!

  4. I'm a dancer with a flat left foot and I twisted my ankle for the second time 7 months ago. After spending a lot of $ of physiotherapy and nowhere back to my full range of motion (can only do half a squat with symptoms as you mentioned in the beginning of video), I also developed plantar fasciitis on the same foot arch two weeks ago.
    My therapist asked me to "find hobbies that aren't feet-intensive", recommended good inserts, said this was permanent, sent me home saying I'd never go back to as I was and can probably only dance the way I'm doing now (40mins max), gave no exercises to make my condition better.
    I tried the first two exercises for dorsiflex and I can already squat further down. I will keep at it. Thankyou so much. We need more folks like you.

  5. Just wondering I’ve never really sprained my ankle The left one I can honestly say I’ve never sprayed it all… That being said after contracting limes disease and babesiosis my left ankle all of a sudden started doing this clicking and grinding I guess you could say is this something that you have seen before and will these exercise help that or make it worse?

  6. Dang… I wish somebody would have taught me this 10 years ago. I started doing the exercises this week and my ankle is already improving. I might actually be able to play basketball again!

  7. Jeff: You're the best human being on this earth. we cant thank you enough for sharing all these good advices! I was really scared when I feel this pain. I will try this activity, and I have no doubt that almost instantly Ill feel the relief. Thank you so much.

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