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12 Minute Workout for Muscle Mass (HIT EVERY MUSCLE!!)

Build muscle size while getting ripped in 90 days here…

If you want to build muscle mass, your workouts should be catered towards specific elements required to reach that goal. In this video, I show you a 12 minute workout for muscle mass that will allow you to build muscle without wasting a lot of time at the gym. Of course, I never said this workout would be easy. If you are going to build significant muscle you better be prepared to work for it. You will see how you can trade in workout length if you are willing to up your workout intensity.

The mass building workout itself requires only a single barbell and a set of dumbbells. It kicks off with a big muscle mass compound exercise; the deadlift. Load up the weight on the barbell after performing a few brief warmup sets. You want to be sure that you are using your 8 rep max here on this lift. You will likely not be able to keep hammering out set after set of 8 reps as you fatigue, but you want to use this as your bench mark for your starting weight to use throughout this workout.

Perform your deadlift to failure using good form. Make sure that you are paying attention to all of the form notes like initiating the pull with your legs and then driving your hips through extension once the bar reaches the level of your knees. On the way down, reverse the movement and hinge at the hips only until the bar is at the level of the knees. From here, simply allow the knees to bend and drop the bar back down to the floor.

After you are done, the clock is running so you want to quickly move into your next move. The next exercise will give your upper pull and lower body a break by performing the classic upper body pushing movement; the incline dumbbell bench press. Set the bench up to a 30 degree angle and use a weight that allows you to reach failure in 10 reps. This movement will work the upper chest, some shoulders and the triceps.

As soon as you complete your 10 reps, drop the weights and keep one of the dumbbells nearby as you’re going to need it for your third and final exercise for muscle mass. This one is called the dumbbell shovel press curl. You will hit your forearms, biceps, brachialis and shoulders in one compound movement, not to mention your core which will be required to stabilize your entire body during the lift. Do as many reps as you can using the weight of the dumbbell you used for your chest press.

The goal of this workout is to keep the clock running for 12 minutes and to complete as many rounds as you can of the three exercises. Never compromise your lifting form on the deadlift for the sake of time. The workout is structured in such a way that this will likely not happen anyway, since the two subsequent exercises are positioned to give your body a rest between difficult deadlift sets.

This is just one example of how to build muscle mass in a short period of time. If you want a complete program that will help you to build muscle while burning fat, be sure to head to and get the athlean-x Training System.

For more videos on how to build muscle with heavy weights and how to get bigger with light weights, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

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#Minute #Workout #Muscle #Mass #HIT #MUSCLE


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  1. I love this workout, thank you for sharing this. I have been doing this workout for the past two weeks and I’m starting to see the results.

  2. cheatsheet: 8 DLs + 8-10 bench press + 8 shovel curls press , rest as little as needed, repeat till you reach 12 mins
    effect: both metabolic and hypertrophy

  3. In some of your other videos you add an extra motion into an exercise here or another half rep there to save time by getting work done for muscle B inside the workout for muscle A. Where would you include some of those tweaks in this workout?

  4. Great video Jeff. It goes to show that you get most of your results from compound lifts. Since I switched to a basic compound routine I have identified a few weaknesses that needed to be addressed.

  5. i'm definitely adding this to my intermittent workout regiment, to overcome plateaus.
    my only question is:
    is this done with the max load, or just heavy enough to do multiple sets in 12"?

  6. Love your videos. I'm utilizing some dumbbell exercises you recommended. Seeing results.
    I'm 58, 172 lbs. workout 3 times a week. Thanks for all you great advice!

  7. Just got doing 4 sets. First time I been to the gym in over a year. Most intense workout. Hard as heck. Bout to take my shake. Deadlift was super hard.

  8. Is this a daily workout, or is it a two to three days a week workout? Also gonna search your channel for belly fat loss workouts maybe switch on and off from the two.

  9. Excited to try this workout my new job is connected to a gym I get free access. Super cool and really ready to get my body I always wanted. I will let you know how it goes! Thanks

  10. If this workout really does work(and I dont doubt it at all) why isn't it not being recommended buy the larger % of athletes? especially since people complain a lot about having the time to workout, or keeping up with what muscle groups to work on what day??

  11. Jeff the big limiting factor I encounter with these high density short workouts is cardiovascular. My pulse rate shoots up and stays high, and I stay winded too long to keep the pace this workout requires. Could you do a video on best cardio? (You sure sprints will do it for this problem?) Older guy here. Thanks!

  12. Jeff, I always come back to Athean-X for my exercise, nutrition, and recovery advice. Unbelievably knowledgeable and helpful. Thanks for all you do for the fitness world!

  13. If only I would've seen this two days ago. I'm definitely adding this to my workouts for those days when I am super crunched from time. I can't wait to try it.

  14. I tried it today, insane man. I did 3 set until failure, can hardly stand, upper pecks sore nor can i move my arms now. I also combined it with my regular workout. Feels good actually. quick but good

  15. Can you make an updated version of this workout? Or you believe is still functional 3 years later?

    I'm about to give it a try, so, I would appreciate any tips or comments!

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