Athlean-X GymWorkouts

1 Tip To More Muscle – Find Out How Long Your Workout Should Be

Back for another entry on the muscle building athlean-x Training Blog. This one covers two common questions in one shot. Those being…”How do I build more muscle fast?” and “How long should my workout be?”. It really comes down to something called Time Under Tension.

Go watch the average person working out in the gym and time how long it takes him or her to complete a set. The results might shock you. It takes the average person around 20-25 seconds to perform one set. Now, with hard scientific proof that shows that this is only about half as long as is needed to build real muscle mass fast, it’s no wonder most people are running into a brick wall with their results.

Watch this video and make sure to add your comments below. How long does it take you to perform your sets? How long does it take you to workout?

When you are done watching, then get over to and get your hands on the exact
complete system that celebrity fitness trainer Jeff Cavaliere uses with his celebrity and professional athlete clients to get maximum muscle in minimal time. Get your hands on the athlean-x Training System. The Next Generation of Fitness! Build Lean, Athletic Muscle Mass while stripping the body fat all at once with this carefully constructed program of the stars!

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#Tip #Muscle #Find #Long #Workout


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  1. I am very happy to see this old video and see how you and your videos have evolved over time….I'm a beginner but I love to learn in depth about things and consider you to be one of the best sources to gain practical and useful information…when I watch your videos I get excited to go to the gym and apply what I learned from you ….thank you jeff for all the valuable information you gave me
    you are a great person❤❤

  2. I've been subscribed for a while and i love your content but I have a question for the amount of time you can spent in the gym for workouts. Currently I'm working out at least 5 times a week and i spread out my workouts between upper and lower body alternating everyday when i'm at the gym. I've incorporated your workouts and some from as well and alternating from 8-10-12-10 for reps but i'm still spending at least 2 hours at the gym just doing 6-10 exercises (6 is one part of the body, while the 10 is when i add two body parts such as chest and shoulders). I'm between the beginner/intermediate stage and also doing high intensity workouts but my body is not able to keep up some times so i slow down my intervals. Is this a problem and if it is what can i do about it.

  3. How long should your entire workout last for?
    I spent 2 hours at the gym and some people say that you shouldn't train for over 45 minutes.

  4. So could i apply this by lifting heavier weight slowly for 45 sec with less reps or should I always try to get 12 reps. Example I can only do 6 to 8 pull-ups but would I build muscle by making them take 45 sec?

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