Athlean-X GymExercisesShoulderWorkouts

Quick Shoulder Mobility Drill (STRONGER BENCH PRESS!)

Strengthen all your lifts by training like an athlete here…

Shoulder mobility drills are all the rage right now thanks to buzz created by trainers who just recently became aware of their importance. While certainly critical to keeping your shoulder joints healthy, it isn’t the only thing you need to worry about. You also need to focus on optimizing the mobility of your shoulder joints as well.

In this video, I show you a shoulder stability drill that can be used to test your shoulder mobility as well. All you need to do is add a resistance band to the exercise and you can test both in the same movement. The fact that this can be done anywhere with a single piece of tubing makes it perfect for home as well.

To perform this shoulder mobility drill, all you need to do is start by warming up your shoulders with some forward and backward circles. This is the move that you commonly do most likely instinctively any time you want to try and loosen up your shoulder joints before any big upper body lift. For example, the bench press is a power lifting movement that requires not only shoulder mobility but also the stability of the muscles surrounding the shoulder, if you want to lift the most weight you can.

Once warmed up, grab the band and hold it out at arms length in front of your chest. Begin by performing a slight band pull apart so that you place some tension on the band. Without bending your elbows at all, start raising the band up over head and behind your back without allowing the band to snap back too quickly.

The key to this shoulder mobility drill is pacing. You want to be able to control every inch of the movement as you move the band over and back. If you lack the needed mobility of your shoulders you will likely see that you can’t move the band in the complete arc without bending your elbows. If you lack the stability of your shoulders you will see that the band will not be able to travel smoothly and slowly for the entire arc.

Try and complete 6-10 reps of this over and back shoulder mobility drill and test your own shoulders. Are you suffering from a lack of mobility or stability or both? If you can’t keep your elbows straight because you lack mobility, start with your hands spread apart wider as this will allow you to make it over and back with less mobility required.

For a complete workout program that trains you to not only look like an athlete but function like one as well, head to and get the athlean-x Training System. Stop overlooking what some would consider the small things in your workouts, and you’ll see just how fast you can get the big things in your workouts working better.

For more mobility drills and shoulder rotator cuff exercises be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

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#Quick #Shoulder #Mobility #Drill #STRONGER #BENCH #PRESS


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  1. Jeff I have got a completely painless crunch in my left shoulder the last cupple weeks never had it before . any over head press work brings this crunch or pop or what ever on I’ve started your exercises on shoulder mobililty but nothing improved just yet is it safe to train on it ? Some people at the gym say they have experienced it and it goes away just train through it ?

  2. You're a great person, Jeff…your hints changed my training with results and safety. thank a lot from Italy (which I guuess you come from too, according to you second name….).🙏

  3. What if my shoulder still pops when doing a bench press but doesnt click when I do this shoulder mobility exercise????….anybody have any suggestions….I got surgery on my right shoulder *labral tear but im already a year out of recovery

  4. Yeah have totally incorporated this into my warm up workout routine…. though recently I’ve been watching your video on shoulder popping…cause ,y left shoulder is popping when doing the bench press…due more so to the posture which I’m correcting & the extreme tension I feel on the front of my neck the more I squeeze my shoulder blades together ….

  5. Hey Jeff, thank you for this video. I've refered a lot of your repair exercises to treat irritations and injuries that have surfaced since I've begun this journey, but none have helped more than this one. You're saving life man, thanks again.

  6. I started doing this exercise again and now I'm doing it with 10 lb EZ Curl Bar feels amazing I saw a gymnast do it with a 45lb bar with a clean grip

  7. I hurt my shoulder joint doing weighted dips. It’s not horrible pain, but I do feel pain whenever I involve my shoulder in a lift. Even in pull-ups. It’s been this way for over a month now. Should I see a doctor? I’m getting so small here:(

  8. Just finished my bands prehab/ rehab watched 3 of your bands exercises for shoulders and mobility. I was able to perform all with no pain and did 10 reps of these (with some difficulty) but my shoulders feel great and I am sure I’m more upright after finishing these. Thank you for everything you do. Keep up the amazing work.

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