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You CAN Do More Pullups (JUST DO THIS!)

No matter how many pull-ups you can do right now, you CAN do more pullups just by doing what I’m going to show you in this video. The key to performing this upper body exercise is to know how to be efficient in the movement and use all the muscles that you have at your disposal to get the job done. Here, I’m going to give you four pullup tips that will work for everyone watching, to do more pullups than you’re doing right now. This applies to those who can do 30 in a set, all the way to those that can’t even do one.

The key is to start by realizing that the exercise has a built-in mechanism for getting anyone to perform it at the level they are capable of. The pullup has what I call, a built in mechanical drop set. This means, that you can either do the concentric part of the rep (pulling your body up to the bar), the holding part (keeping your chin above the bar), or the eccentric part (lowering your body down from the bar). The important element of this is that we are all stronger eccentrically than we are isometrically than we are concentrically. This is ironic since the part that most of us focus our efforts is on building our strength to pull.

What we should be doing instead is focus on what we are good at. Focus on building your strength in lowering from the bar or holding yourself in a position either above or below the bar. This will carry over to your ability to pull up to the bar eventually. As you build your eccentric and isometric strength, your concentric pulling strength will follow along.

The best part is that you can start focusing on doing this in your very next back workout or pull-up workout.

The next thing we all can do to instantly increase the number of pullups we can do in a single set is to simply look at our body mechanics when doing the exercise. Are you creating what I call energy leaks during the movement. If so, do you know how to fix them?

Start by looking at the lower body. Do not cross your legs behind you when doing the exercise if you struggle to do them right now. This will tend to create total body looseness that creates laxity in the body and allows a dissipation of the force that should be used to pull your body up to the bar. Instead, place the legs in front of you and lock our your knees by tightening your quads. Point your toes down to engage the posterior chain and calves. Squeeze your glutes as best you can and tighten up your abs.

All of this will have the combined effect of creating more tightness through your body so that when you pull down through the hands and direct effort into the bar, it will efficiently transfer to lifting your body up rather than leak out through all of these areas that you are not focusing on.

Speaking of the pulling of the hands down, these energy leaks apply to the upper body as well. Do you just pull straight down when you do pullups? If so, you may want to try this. Try to pull your hands inward towards each other and down at the same time. I realize that they will not travel towards each other since they are locked in place by the grip on the bar. But what this will do is engage the chest muscles as they are in the same position of the finish of an incline bench press.

Once again, this creates more trunk rigidity. Add to this the engagement of the core muscles and you’ve plugged two more important and common energy leaks that will allow you to do more pullups guaranteed.

Finally, are you not doing as many pull-ups right now as you’d like because you’re being undermined by a weak link in the kinetic chain that isn’t even your lats? You can fix this by varying your grip during the exercise. Taking a narrow overhand grip will engage more of the forearm muscles like the brachioradialis and brachialis. Going traditional width will hit more of the lats. Going super wide is going to engage the teres major which is known as a lat assistance muscle. If you are weak in any of these muscles then you will be held back from the number of reps you can do because the link in the chain is flawed.

Don’t always focus on what you are good at when it comes to grip width. Switch it up and you’ll start to improve your weaknesses, and in doing so, unlock, your ability to do more reps right away.

If you find these tips helpful and want to put the science back into all your workouts and exercises, be sure to visit via the link below and check out the full workout plans and meal plans. Start training like an athlete today and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish quickly with your training.

For more videos on how to increase pullups and how to do your first pullup, be sure to remember to subscribe to our channel here on youtube via the link below and turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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  1. I feel like the overall number of pullups you do per session or per week matters. Even if you can only do 1 or 3 at a time. Get in 30, or 50, or 100 each workout. Focus on getting in one more rep each set next time. Always be trying to beat your last performance.

  2. Another tip to do more pull-ups: lose excess weight. Without working out at all, I went from being able to do 1 pull-up to 3 just by losing 20 pounds through diet. Since getting my weight back under control I've been working out a little bit, like 10 minutes per day (most days). After 4ish months I'm up to 5 pull-ups. Not massive progress, I admit, but for the amount of time and effort I put in I think it's pretty good. And I'm looking and feeling good too.

  3. How can Jeff be so ripped and big, and still have a neck that does not go with the rest? Not trying to burn, sincerely curious. Cheers! Jeff your body is damn near perfect.

  4. If you haven't experienced it, the joy of seeing yourself being lifted over the bar as you do your first pull-up is amazing! Only beaten by the fact that you can keep going and do more.
    I went from 0 to 3 (not just focusing on pull-ups) in two months.

  5. Bro just when I think I’ve learned everything he comes at me with more knowledge. I would have NEVER thought to pull my hands in together during a pull up, just tried it, absolute game changer

  6. The problem i have with the pull-up is being 6'5"… LOL i can't put my legs out front like this video shows without hitting the floor every time HAHA so I have to tuck my legs under. The bar at my gym just isn't high enough LOL

  7. I'm from Brazil and I discovered your channel a few days ago. My goal is to do 3 sets of 10/12 clean reps. I will definitely try these tips. Thanks man

  8. I’ve been following these tips for a long while now, and they do help. I can do sets of 10-7 now, up from my starting point of 3-4/set (no idea what my max is, but perhaps 12-13). I’d say for pull ups a major part is just consistent effort. Every time I do them I try to get at least one more than last time.

  9. I use to hate pull-ups because I couldn't do then, technically I could do 3-4, but they were all half pull-ups, started with a jump. I just focused on active hand in the beginning and started doing negatives. Now I can do 5-6 pull-ups from a dead hang

  10. yah really felt i have lats following these,, will use weights to body to make more progress ,will add soon mass dont care of reps, right now i can do 10 pull ups and 10 chin ups in a row with perfect form with no weights on body ,want to do the same with +40 kg on my body weighted bag,i have abs but very skinny 50kg 5'7 so pretty sure that will add some mass,will update after a few months

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