Athlean-X GymExercisesWorkouts

How Much Muscle Can You Build? (CALCULATE THIS!)

People say that how much muscle you can build is entirely determined by your genes.
Could that be true? While the shape of your muscles, and overall skeletal frame are heavily influenced by your parents and the genetic code they’ve passed on that doesn’t mean that you’re destined to a life of baggy shirt sleeves.

In this video, I look at a few different formulas that just MIGHT give you a glimpse into your genetic potential for building muscle. One particular test is centered around your wrist circumference.

Why the wrist?

The wrist is a pretty good objective measurement of your overall skeletal structure. What’s more, the wrist doesn’t store a lot of body fat so even if you go up and down in weight your wrist circumference is likely to remain relatively unchanged.

So what’s the test?

You start by taking an accurate measurement of your wrist then add 10 to that number. That should give you the genetic potential for you upper arm. These formulas go even deeper into ‘predicting’ your maximum body weight. That’s right, there’s a formula that supposedly can predict your overall size potential. To get that you would simply take your height in centimeters and subtract 100. That gives you your max potential body weight at a 6% body fat. For those in the US, convert to pounds by simply multiply the number by 2.2

What if you’re not at 6% body fat?

There’s a formula for that too, just add 10lbs, or 4.5 kg, to that final number for every additional 2% of body fat that you’re storing.

Tests like this are a lot of fun to do, especially when they prove to be accurate, but does that make scientific? At athlean-x we put the science back in strength, with that said, these type of formulas are fun but I wouldn’t put TOO much stock in the answer. Either way it shouldn’t make you feel deflated about your own potential.

No matter what your genetic make up is, I’ve never met an athlete, soccer mom or average joe who wasn’t able to make their body look, feel and move a whole lot better with the proper training and nutrition. Does that mean anyone can be the next Arnold, Dwayne The Rock Johnson or Antonio Brown? Unfortunately no.

If you’re 5’9 with tiny bone structure there’s no amount of training that’s going to turn you into one these iconic monsters, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make significant improvements to how you look. Growing up I knew I didn’t have the genetics to be the next Arnold, so although I admired his physique and work ethic I looked to others. Guys like Sylvester Stallone, Frank Zane, Jean Claude Van Damme and others all built iconic physiques on frames much more similar to my own.

If you take away anything from this video I hope it is that anyone can improve their body, movement, and the way they feel. If you have a good work ethic, a good training program and a clear goal, anyone can make that change. I say it all the time, if you change your body, you’ll change your life!

When you are ready to make that change and take your body to the next level, be sure to head to check out the athlean-x Training System. You can start building a ripped, athletic body regardless of what you feel is lacking right now.

For more videos on how to look, feel and move like an athlete be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at the link below…

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#Muscle #Build #CALCULATE


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    If you don’t win, no worries. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…

  2. I dont workout , My forearms are also very slim!
    I have 6.5 inch wrist can it get few centimeters after developing forearms?

  3. Your diet is wayyyyy Mal nourished athlean x. You workout day after day after day and your arms are not big. You have the look of a long distance runner. I think you might be using exercise to compensate for some sort of PTSD or depression anxiety. You should let go of whatever the hell diet your on and eat some junk food or more simple carbs because for the amount of training you do your wrists and arms look like the size of a girl in grade 9! To much of one thing is not good buddy……

  4. HEY athlean x buddy no offense but you're looking like you need to gain some weight. I'd lay off the high reps and dirt your on. Eat some junk food or something you look like you need to gain 25 pounds bud you're to thin

  5. I find the wrist theory hard to believe… I’m 6’2 215lbs. My wrists are abnormally small but I would say I naturally have more pecs and shoulders than most. People’s proportions can differ a lot.

  6. Noone is having the skeleton i have. i am 178 cm male .My skeleton is so thin. My wrist is less than 5 inc, and my hands are small.. And i m 31years old. They cannot grow wider.Fuck my life.I dont know if i take testoserone or grothw hormone will help this staff.

  7. Everything he said is true but if you train mainly to be strong and not look good your height and wrist thickness really matters so there is always someone that has more potential than you and that just upsets me

  8. I hate my body.. I’m the skinniest little rat I’ve ever laid eyes on.. I’m 40 years old and have tried my whole life to put on muscle an weight..

  9. What if your already at your natural limit apparently 🤣? I’ve only been training a year and apparently I’m maxed wouldn’t even say was perfect training or eatting? Do I stop or is it a guideline and I can keep growing

  10. Thank you, this video is very encouraging.
    I have often suffer for my body frame and especially my wrists, which are 5.7"
    I've never worked out too hard because I always thought I would be frustrated with my results. But that's silly. Thank you!

  11. The internet is just a mess, ive been gone from bodybuilding 25+ years and I WISH you had said those formulas on that chart have ZERO basis, that all these internet fools are try hard idiots providing misinformation as fast as they can because they're idiots looking for views. You have 12 million subs. tell it toem straight dont be wishy washy. They can take it. Why zero basis? and I mean ZERO. Those formulas are trash. EXAMPLE A. me. im feet 6 feet tall and my wrist only measures 7 inches which is TINY and I love it..all my joints are tiny. LOVE IT. I just went from 160 lbs to 200 lbs in 5 months..10% bodyfat and im gonna go to 240 how?? MUSCLE BELLIES and INSERTION LENGTH people. Theres no standard or " typically " or anything..every single person is unique..and needs to understand the relation between their bones and their muscle insertions ( ex: raise your hand up to your face now feel the gap between your forearm and your bicep..that gap defines the INSERTION length…then after that you have the muscle belly itself to account for. for every muscle in your BODY haha….fkn formulas..haha

    Between youtube and tik tok i dont know which one is more of a public health hazard

  12. Hey Jeff, pls put me out of my misery, my friend's big brother is a gym trainer and he told us that we can in clavicle length in our teens is it true. Because if it is true then I can trust him in future and if not can't trust him. 😅😅😅😆😆😌😌

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