Athlean-X GymExercisesWorkouts

Get a “Flat Stomach” in 22 Days! (HOME WORKOUT)

If you want to get a flat stomach at home and are not sure what home workout to do, give this one a try. This workout is designed to do two things in just 22 days. The first is help you to develop a stronger core by training the deep muscles of the abs the way they should be. It doesn’t matter if you have to lose fat right now or are incredibly lean, if you have a belly that sticks out and want to get a flat stomach, this will push you in the right direction.

The next most important element however is that research has shown that 22 days is the time period within one must stay consistent with something in order to turn it into a habit. If you can stick to this step by step home ab workout for a flat stomach just three weeks, you will start to see changes to your lifestyle and your approach to working out that could stick with you for the rest of your life.

It is this element that makes this a plan that even someone that is at a much higher body fat percentage, something that they will want to invest the time in doing. While the six pack abs or completely flat belly may not be completely possible by the time this is over in just 22 days, it is the habits that will be formed that could carry over and be the true game changer.

That said, do be sure that while you are committing to putting in the effort on this home workout that you don’t undervalue the role of nutrition to getting to where you want to be. I’ve said so many times that the most important element of getting ripped is having a good nutrition plan. You simply cannot out train a bad diet. You need to eat healthy, while still enjoying the foods that you eat, if you want to get your body fat levels down low enough to see your abs and have a flat stomach

The good news is that your body fat levels do not have to be nearly as low as you may have thought to start to see a flattening of the midsection. This is because the muscles of the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor are almost universally weak in everyone and can benefit from the activation that will come over the next 3 weeks with this home workout plan. Once you gain control of these core muscles you will see that the waistline will become much tighter even at rest.

That said, here is how this step by step plan is laid out to help you get a flatter stomach.

There are three phases of 7 days in this 22 day plan for a flat lower belly. Each one will take you through a different posture with the goal being to learn to contract and hold the pelvic floor and TA muscles at the same time. In the initial week you won’t even be doing any moving during the exercises for a flat stomach, you will just be holding the contractions mindfully focusing on activating the muscles of your deep core that are currently weak or dormant.

The exercises in this first week are as follows:

Static Supine TA Hold – 10 reps x 20 seconds (3 times per day)
Static Hollow TA Hold – 10 reps x 20 seconds (3 times per day)
Static V-Sit TA Hold – 10 reps x 20 seconds (3 times per day)
Static Plank TA Hold – 10 reps x 20 seconds (3 times per day)
Static Elevated Plank TA Hold – 10 reps x 20 seconds (3 times per day)
Static Kneeling TA Hold – 10 reps x 20 seconds (3 times per day)
Static Standing TA Hold – 10 reps x 20 seconds (3 times per day)

The next phase takes place from day 8 to day 14. Here we introduce some dynamic movement to the equation to ensure that you now not only can contract these muscles but can do so with additional challenge to the core muscles.

The exercises for this week are as follows:

Supine Flutters – 20 reps x 10 seconds (3 times per day)
Hollow Rocks – 20 reps x 10 seconds (3 times per day)
V-Sit Drifts – 20 reps x 10 seconds (3 times per day)
Plank Step Outs – 20 reps x 10 seconds (3 times per day)
Knee Drives – 20 reps x 10 seconds (3 times per day)
Kneeling Walkouts – 20 reps x 10 seconds (3 times per day)
Standing Walkouts – 20 reps x 10 seconds (3 times per day)

The final seven days of this workout to get a flat stomach, the reps on the static exercises will be cut down to 10 and the dynamic moves will be performed for just 5 reps but increased in time to 20 seconds.

This is a killer but it is a home workout for a flat stomach that everyone can do, regardless of what body fat level or ability level you are at right now. If you are looking for a complete bodyweight workout program that doesn’t require any equipment at all, be sure to head to and check out the ATHLEAN XERO program. No bands, benches, bars or weights are needed to build a ripped athletic body.

For more ab workouts to get a flat stomach and lower belly, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube via the link below and try some of the follow along ab workouts. Don’t forget to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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#Flat #Stomach #Days #HOME #WORKOUT


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  1. I'm currently 7 days into this and wondering how much time to rest between repetitions? For example, on day 7 I am doing a standing static hold, 10 sets of 20s each. After a 20s hold, how long should I rest before the next rep? I had adopted a 10s rest between reps thus far, but wondering if rest is "to taste" or if I missed something there. Thanks.

  2. The first one at 5 minutes in is he holding his legs up just above the floor or are his legs lying on the floor and he's just basically flexing his abs for the first exercise I can't tell if his legs are on the ground or not

  3. This program looks great. I do it if I knew how to activate the pelvic floor. I’ve never stopped mid urination nor can I imagine what my butt would do if I tried to use it for drinking through a straw. After reading the comments, seems many of you have and can. Astounding.

  4. Why does this feel like I'm just pulling my stomach in while holding my breath and doing kegels for 20 seconds? Don't think I'm doing it wrong, I have noticed a bit of progress, so it's working

  5. love it, thank you! I already have a flat stomach also after giving birth to my son as I always trained pelvic floor and transverse abd. but could be something for my clients so I will incorporate it. Just 2 thoughts of mine: what about women who have tight pelvic floor or/and stiff/overactive hip flexor from sitting a lot – could get worse over the 22 days or maybe just stick to the plank, standing positions?

  6. This is fantastic! Thank you for making it.

    Couple quick questions:
    – How long do you wait between reps?
    – Is there a reason to do it spaced out throughout the day? Could you get similar results doing it all at once? Or in two sittings?

  7. I am so happy to learn about abs thank you for helping us. I'm on day 8 now and I have to say this is just the beginning for me bc when these exercises help establish my core muscles then we can move on to harder ab exercises with weights and stuff to become stronger and I have had 2 babies and these exercises have helped my whole internal digestive system SO SO SO SO much and also great for strengthening pelvic floor muscles it has enhanced my quality of life again 200% recommend this a few months after childbirth

  8. I can already lower my legs to an inch from the floor without raising my spine, but I can't tell if it's because my pelvic floor and abs are strong or because I'm fat.

  9. I am way too weak to take this on in 22 days so I'm doing each day for a week to make it 22 weeks. I thought I was pretty fit my whole life but turns out my core is basically non-existent. I started doing light core exercises a year ago and now I'm going to try this for the next few months and see how it goes. Day 1/Week 1 was tough but I already feel new muscles strengthening. Week 2, so far so good.

  10. The pelvic floor. This is not easy for the uninitiated. If you can’t figure it out.

    Have your wife grab your balls….feel those muscles that clinch when she does that? Squeeze


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