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The PERFECT Pull Workout (PUSH | PULL | LEGS)

The push, pull, legs workout split is one of the most often used training splits for building muscle and strength. In this video, I’m going to deliver the next in the perfect workout series to give you the best pull workout for building a bigger back, traps and biceps. As always, I’m breaking down all sets and reps for each and every exercise to make sure you get the muscle gains you are looking for.

We start by understanding what a PPL split is. As the initials represent, this is a pull, push and legs workout program. The order of the workouts can be done a few different ways but my favorite is to do them as listed here. You have the option of repeating these twice in sequence for a total of 6 workout days in a row before having an off day. The problem with this approach is that it leaves too little recovery time between your legs and pull workouts.

You can alternatively take an off day after completing the first 3 workouts. This is a called an asynchronous split. While potentially making the off days more unpredictable because they rotate this way it does provide the much needed recovery time to allow for overall better gains.

Whichever calendar you follow, the important thing is how the workouts break down.

Here we start with Pull Workout 1:

– Deadlifts – 1 x 5
chest Supported Rows – 3 x 8-10 (takes the low back out of the equation)
– DB High Pulls – 3 x 10-12 (targets the upper back muscles with healthy shoulder mechanics)
– DB Pullovers – 2-3 x 10-12 (direct lat work)
– BW Chin Curls – 3 x F into Overhead triceps Extension – 3 x 10-12
– Angels and Devils – 3 x 15-20 (posterior chain corrective)

The goal of pull workout one is to hit the posterior chain with a big compound lift – in this case the deadlift. As a one by five, you will be working up to your one workout set of 80% of your 1RM with 4 sequential warmup sets. Don’t perform too many reps at each stage of the warmup as you don’t want to tire yourself out but rather prepare your body for your working set.

The chest supported row allows you to perform a basic row without letting the low back fatigue from a deadlift compromise your output.

The dumbbell high pull helps us to keep the overload coming however on the upper back muscles. This area of the body is one of the most undertrained and overlooked in the entire body and is responsible for many of the muscle imbalances that many trainees suffer from. We are going to hit it hard in this PPL workout.

The DB Pullovers allow us to train the lats with a great hypertrophy inducing exercise geared more specifically to the lats.

The arms are hit in the form of a superset with a chinup variation that targets the biceps and a triceps exercise (yes even on pull day to get some additional volume) with the overhead triceps extension.

The angles and devils is a tremendous posterior chain corrective exercise that hits all the back muscles and serves as the perfect finisher.

Pull Workout 2 looks like:

– Snatch Grip Deadlifts – 3 x 5 (Leave 2-3 in the tank)
– Weighted Pullups – 3 x 6-8
– Alt. DB Gorilla Rows – 3 x 10-12 each arm
– Straight Arm Pushdowns – 2-3 x 12-15
– Barbell Curls – 3 x 6-8 into triceps Pushdowns – 3 x 10-12
– Face Pulls – 3 x 15-20

The combination of these two workouts will serve as your PPL pull workout. Remember to alternate these two workouts each time you encounter your next pulling workout in the calendar. When you can, add weight to the exercises you are performing to ensure that you are failing within the rep ranges prescribed outside the deadlift variations.

If you’re looking for a step by step push pull legs workout that can help you to build ripped athletic muscle and includes a meal plan as well, be sure to visit via the link below and check out the AX1 training program.

For more videos on how to build muscle with a push pull legs workout as well as the best pull workout for building mass, be sure to subscribe to our channel via the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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  1. NOTIFICATION SQUAD GIVEAWAY – It’s back!! Alright guys, I’m giving away a complete 30 Day Workout program to 100 lucky clickers within the first hour this video is published! Remember, this is NOT THE FIRST 100, but those randomly selected within the first hour the video is published. Click the link to see if you’ve won. No strings attached!

    If you don’t win, no worries, you’re not going away empty handed. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…

  2. Thanks for the video! Exceptional content, as always! Can you integrate cardio/HITTS into a push, pull, legs routine performed twice within a week? If so, how?

  3. I dont get it? Do you have to do pull workout 1 and 2 on the same day or workout 1 on the first pull day and workout 2 on de second pull day…….Or do you need to chose one for both pull days?

  4. Hey quick question to anyone performing the gorilla db rows, do you guys get a burn on in your legs cause you're sorta suspended in a squat pose as well?

  5. Can I just substitute the bicep chin curls with anything else that works that? I sadly cannot do a single chin curl… yet

  6. I like this routine a lot and have made strength and size gains in the short amount of time I've been using it. My only problem is that because I work a labor job (landscaping) I can easily become over exhausted. It's to the point where sometimes it's hard to sleep at night or its difficult to keep up at work or I just feel sick and really lethargic.

    I'm thinking of adding an off day to the split. I'd rather not alter the workout by decreasing the number of exercises or volume. The only solution I can come with is adding an off day.

    I'd like some opinions on where I should add it though. Maybe in between the pull and push days? Or if it's even a good idea to add an off day and I should just suck it up make my body get used to the workload.

  7. This one isn't in your "perfect" series Playlist, Jeff. In case you didn't realize this. 🙂
    Thanks for this series!

  8. Hi, can someone help me here. I’m doing a PPL split along with 4-5 abs workout everyday. Can I do Leg and abs everyday? Is it ok to do Leg everyday? What are the pros and cons of doing Leg everyday ? Abs can be done everyday, I’m aware of that.

  9. 6 months ago I had a rotatory
    Cuff injury while playing badminton.i took rest for 4 months and the pain was gone. I also performed exercises prescribed by my physiotherapist for the injury. But today when I did overhead pull overs the pain started again thought little. Should I correct my technique or stop this exercise all together as my gym buddies say the movement is very unnatural and risky for my shoulder

  10. How come there are almost no bicep exercises, I’ve done the first one and I’m more sore in my triceps than my biceps, am I doing something wrong?

  11. After following this PPL split for 3 months now, I just hit a personal all time goal: deadlifting with the largest plates!!!! I’m so pleased:)
    Thanks Jeff❤️

  12. Can i do both plan on different pull days…???.. Like on Wednesday day i will do the pull 1 and on Saturday I'll do the pull 2 … Will it work?

  13. Great workout, but I am wondering how this assembles with the push day directly after this workout. I can't do a full push day training my arms the day before.

    Therefore I would switch the order to push, legs, pull, rest. Does anyone see any negative affects of this?

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